Chapter 23

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I will continue the storey and there will be more chapters.

I think I will do a high school au Dreamnoblade when I'm done with this book, and when I'm done with the other book I'm working on, I will do a Dreamnoblade Royal au since most of you wanted Dreamnoblade.

I could start the other book now, but that means that the updates on this book will take longer time. If you don't want my upload schedule to be worse than it is, I will just wait until I'm finished with this to write a new one.



Sapnap pov: around 3 days after Dream's death


I knew there was something wrong with him because he didn't act like normal and he spent too much time alone in the woods or in his room with a locked door, but I didn't want to ask, or I didn't until now. I didn't want to interrupt him, but if there was something wrong, I wanted to help. So then I was standing outside the door to George's room, listening to his quiet sobs.

I knocked at the door, two short knocks, one long, and then two short again, making him know who I was and that I was alone. We made this system with Dream a long time ago, and even if Dream isn't here right now, we still use it. We can all use it, so it makes kind of sense to just continue with it.

"Go away." Georg cried out, trying to yell, but his voice crack and he continued his crying. "George, I just want to help. If there is something wrong, you need to tell me. I can help. " My voice was pounding and clear.

"I don't need anything. Just go away." He yelled, in a broken voice, but he didn't care. He had never yelled at me before, or at least not meant it, not in a long time. "Georgie?" I asked. I was actually concerned, but still confused. Just days ago he helped us locate Dream and now he is crying in his room. What the hell is wrong with him?

He broke down and started crying out loud, almost screaming. I didn't see him, but I could picture his angst-ridden position on the floor, crying out, and there was nothing I could do about it. Normally Dream would take care of him. He was better at emotional things than I was, but now he's just a psycho that should be locked away, so it was for the best that he wasn't in there with George now.

"You'll come to the meeting at 8 p.m., right? You won't lock yourself in this whole day. We need you to be there. We have to plan how to attack Techno and kill Dream."

A loud bang was heard, and George had thrown something at the door before he actually broke it. He started punching the floor, screaming and crying. I didn't see him, but I remember what he looked like when we thought Karl was gone, and even if I didn't know why he was upset, he knew he was really, really upset. George didn't show his emotions like this. He always hid it, so why did he break it now? What happened that was so terrible that he broke?

Could it be Dream? Had Dream come to him and threatened to kill him? Dream threatened to kill one of my best friends. He is a psychopath. He can't be on earth. It's too dangerous. Going around and almost killing people, George must have been terrified, looking at his ex-friend and almost getting killed. Fuck you Dream.

George pov:

"You'll come to the meeting at 8 p.m., right? You won't lock yourself in this whole day. You need to be there. We have to plan how to attack Techno and kill Dream" I heard Sapnap's voice was angry. He really wanted to kill him, but I couldn't think straight anymore.

I picked up a book and threw it at the door when he dared to say his name. How could he? He's dead, he's fucking dead, and I killed him.

I killed my best friend, I stabbed him with that sword. Why did I do it? Why didn't I just refuse? Why did I kill him? Why did I do the most terrible thing? How did that night turn out so badly? Why did he hunt me every night, waiting to get his revenge?

Why couldn't I turn back time and undo the terrible thing I did? Now everyone will hate me. I killed my best friend. I killed him. I replayed all the things he had done for me and I replayed them with death. I stabbed him through the heart and made his body go limp and his heart stop pounding. His lounges stopped giving him air. I made him dead.

Why did I kill him? Why did I take my sword and kill my best friend? We were just laying there looking at the stars and then I stabbed him with my sword. I didn't even look at his face. I'm a terrible person. I'm a murderer. I killed someone. I took their last life. How could I be so terrible? How did I kill him?

At one point, Sapnap had left my door and I was in complete silence. Only my raspy breathing, sobs, and a flood of tears of pain and guilt could be heard.

I dragged myself over to the door and opened it. Walking out I had been inside my room for so long, and the clock was actually at 7.45pm. I had been inside there for almost 2 hours since Sapnap was there and even longer before he came, but I couldn't do anything else. My brain was stuffed with pain and guilt, and I couldn't get my thoughts away from him. And I didn't even dare to say his name. I wasn't worthy.

I looked back at the starts and broke down again. It was a clear, star-filled sky, almost the same that I and he had watched that night. I looked up and saw Zöe Nightshade. I would never forget that constellation. It's burned inside my mind, a paint full of memories of that night, something that I will remember every time I look up at the stars. A reminder of how terrible a person I am.

How fucked up my brain is and the fact that I deserve to be locked inside Pandora's vault so I don't kill other innocent people. I shouldn't be here.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and walked to the room where the meeting was supposed to be held, and I would never be able to live through it. I knew I would break down at some point and inside there, but Sapnap would be so disappointed if I didn't show up and I have already said enough terrible things. I'm a fucking murderer.


Sorry for the short chapter and all the repetitions of Georges pain and that stuff.

1177 words.

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