Chapter 6: Help

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A/N: Here's chapter 6. Enjoy, people. 

She cries for her broken dreams


My brain short-circuited at his words. I opened my mouth, then closed it. I repeated this several times before my brain remembered how to form words. "Um... to- to who?"

"Gio Mantennii."

Air whooshed out of my lungs and I spluttered indignantly. "Him?! He's an imbecile!"

"I know!" Jacob growled. "I remember he wouldn't stop gloating about something or the other. And he wouldn't stop staring creepily at you!"

"I think we know why now." I massaged my temples. "But isn't it illegal? I'm still a minor!"

"Not for long." He said miserably. "Your birthday's not too far- I'm sure our 'family' will do something and make you marry him."

I closed my eyes and exhaled forcefully. "Okay. Alright. We can make this work. Um... thanks Jacob. I'll- I'll talk to you later." I reached over and pressed the end button before he could respond.

"I guess congratulations are in order then." Ethan said wryly.

"Shut up!" I snapped. "I can't get married to him!"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't get what's the big deal. Your parents only want what's best for you- I'm sure it's nothing. Heck, you might end up liking the guy."

I laughed coldly. "Oh yeah, I'm sure I'm gonna fall in love with the guy who tried to assault me last year." The five boys stilled and guilt overcame Ethan's expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"That's right," I cut in. "You didn't know, so don't make assumptions. I bet you also didn't know that he was married three times before- each of his rich wives dying in mysterious circumstances and leaving behind their entire fortunes. Oh, and let's not forget, he's thirty-eight years old."

Tears sprung to my eyes and I looked down at the green table. I always knew my Mum didn't love me as much as my siblings- but this was too much. It made me wonder if she loved me at all.

I looked at them through blurred vision. "You guys don't owe me anything- I wouldn't blame you if you dropped me at my house and collected the reward money. But please help me. I can't marry him." I covered my mouth and choked back a sob.

"We'll help you." Kit said and Isaac nodded.

Relief washed over me like a tidal wave. I hugged Kit tightly, whispering 'thank you' over and over again. He tensed but returned the gesture. We broke away after a minute and I wiped my eyes.

"Arya, really, I am very, very sorry." Ethan said. "I shouldn't have judged and I feel so guilty. I'm really sorry. And I also apologise for hitting you with the metal bar in the beginning."

"It's fine." I held out my hand. "Friends?"

He shook it with a slight smile. "Friends."

"Okay." Isaac sighed. "What do we do now?"

"Ooh! I have a plan!" Caleb announced.

"What is it?"

"It involves FIRE!"

"Absolutely not." Isaac ran a hand over his face. "Anyone apart from Caleb have an idea?"

"Uhhhh... we could eat and get to know each other a bit?" I suggested. "Since I don't know how long I'll be staying here."

"Okay." Isaac nodded. "Let's eat dinner."


Dinner was traumatic.

It was a messy affair- full of laughing, shouting and food-throwing. And yet, I enjoyed every second of it.

It was so different to what I was used to- like a breath of fresh air. Normally, I'd sit in terse silence with my family, concentrating on my food and listening to Marigold's snide and snobby remarks. Sometimes, Jacob would physically restrain me from cracking our sister's head against the table.

Wiping tears of laughter from my eyes, I offered to do the dishes. This was shot down by everyone- especially Kit. They told me to take some painkillers and rest for a bit- due to my head injury.

"Night guys." I mumbled, going to my room and smiling slightly when I heard a chorus of 'good nights' back.

I went to the room and flopped on the bed, thoughts zooming through my mind. Strangely, I didn't mind staying with the boys. They seemed nice and genuine, but I couldn't let my guard down. Even though Kit and I were best friends, he could've changed- a lot can happen in two years.

And I couldn't forget that I'd seen them kill. 

End of chapter 6. 

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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