Chapter 9: Trouble

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Rock bottom? Well, I like climbing!


I watched in dismay as Ethan stormed out of room.

Caleb winced and looked after him sympathetically. "Damn that's gotta hurt."

Renée frowned and tilted her head to the side a little. "What're you talking about? Is Ethan okay?"

I glared at her. "We met a few weeks ago and really hit off. His name is Derrick." I mimicked in a ridiculous, high-pitched voice, reasons for which were not entirely clear. Maybe it's the amount of caffeine in my system. "I'm such a big blockhead!"

She stared at me. "Umm... are you okay?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Nick hissed, stepping forwards. "Why would you say something like that?!"

"Well, why would he care, huh?" Renée fired back, crossing her arms and adopting a defensive stance.

"'Cos he likes you. Duh." Caleb rolled his eyes, sipping tea from a pink 'You go girl!' cup.

"Oh please." Rey scoffed. "He doesn't!" She said in a slightly sad tone.

"Even a blind person can see it." Jacob quipped in with a laugh.

Rey paled. "Wait... really?"

I smiled. "Have I ever lied to you, Rey?"


"Rhetorical question." I snapped. "Now go after him!" Nodding, she did so.

"Now if this were a movie or a book, there would be dramatic music being played at this moment. Followed by rain and a desperate love confession. Then, there'd be an accident and one of them would die." Caleb commented. We stared at him. "What?"

"Nothing." I sighed, massaging my temples. A wave of nausea swept over me. I forced a smile. "Now who wants to play Twister?"


"Move ya behind Caleb! It's in my face!"

"My arms hurt!"

"Somebody spin the bloody thing!"

"I don't think I can hold up for much longer!"

"Noooo! Marigold don't move!"

"Who's idea was it to play this stupid game?!"

My muscles strained as I reached for the yellow spot with my right hand. I couldn't hold on. With a violent curse, I flopped on the ground, taking everyone with me. Panting heavily with smiles on our faces, we laughed and decided that one round was enough. Nick packed the game away, while Zack browsed through Netflix for a good movie. Caleb was in charge of getting the snacks- a job he took way too seriously, carefully scrutinising each packet trying to deem which ones were considered 'worthy' in his eyes.

I was engaged in a conversation with my siblings, deeply regretting not contacting them more often. However, despite the lively atmosphere, a heavy pit of dread burrowed deep in my stomach, a constant reminder of the report I'd received earlier today.

"-Arya? Are you okay?" Marigold touched my shoulder in concern, studying my composure. I forced a tight-lipped smile and nodded, trying to distract her with a question about the upcoming wedding. Fortunately, she took the bait and I pretended to listen and care about the menu for the event.

Zack's ringtone cut through the din. He glanced at the Caller ID and his eyebrows shot up. "It's Blake." I too was surprised. Around three years ago, Blake moved back to Brazil to be with his family. Although we'd stayed in touch, the great distance caused us all to be slightly estranged with him.

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