Chapter 7: Hugo

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Children catch fireflies; death in jars.


The curtains were yanked back, allowing the full glare of the sun to beat down on my face. The window was raised, sounds of irritating birdsong and people assaulted my eardrums. I buried my face deeper in my pillow, feeling like I was slapped with a flaming metal hammer covered in spikes dipped in acid.

When no one tried to drag me out of bed, I relaxed deeper into the covers.

That is, until I felt something sticky drip down my face.

I frowned and blearily blinked back sleep, squinting as the blurry shape above me. Then, I screamed.

"CALEB! GET YOUR SPIT MACHINE AWAY FROM ME!" I screeched as Sparklemufffin invaded my personal space. He bleated and licked me.

"ARGHHHHH!" I yelled, landing on the floor in a tangled mess of sheets. My head throbbed painfully that sharply increased when the boys walked in the room.

"GOOD morning Arya!" Ethan declared cheerfully, pulling the covers off me. "How are you feeling today?" I knew this was payback for all the times I woke the boys up from their hangovers.

I flipped them the bird and shakily got to my feet. Black spots danced in my vision as I stumbled to the bathroom. The boys did absolutely nothing to help.

I retched over the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach. I felt someone hold my hair back. I groaned and leaned back.

"What the hell happened last night?" I winced, resting my head on Nick's shoulder.

"After your meeting with Lucas, you went out and got drunk. We found you dancing on the railing thing and had to carry you home." Ethan explained, glaring at me.

"And why are you angry at me?" I mumbled, staring at him through hooded lids.

Ethan sniffed. "You called me a depressed slug."

My jaw hit the floor. "What?! I did not."

"You did." He said. "While I was oh-so graciously dragging you inside, you giggled and called me a demented slug. I have it on video."

I stifled a laugh. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think you like a demented slug?"

He leaned over and flicked my forehead harshly, causing me to grunt in pain, but still manage a weak laugh.

"Hey guys," Isaac said nervously and we all turned to look at him. "Um... Wyatt texted me- we have to babysit Hugo for a few hours."

"NO!" The rest of us screeched in horror, which worsened my headache.

"Zack, I know you're probably angry at me for ya know, going out and getting drunk blah blah blah, but this is a joke, right?" I chuckled nervously, my heart plummeting as he shook his head.

Hugo was a sixteen year old with a big head. He constantly whined about how we weren't taking care of him properly and would act out how much he hated staying with us- as if we were dying to spend time with the entitled brat. The last time he was here- a few months ago- he burned all my clothes because I refused to drive three hours to buy him some posh fish.

Why did I have to chose last night to drink? I thought miserably. The boys gently helped me downstairs with Sparklemuffin in tow.

I sat down on the stool in front of the island platform in the kitchen, and leaned against Kit. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I silently watched Ethan mix some disgusting concoction and wrinkled my nose in disgust as he slid a tall glass over to me.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang