Chapter 15: Nobody

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Can I make it go away?


I repeatedly clicked on the refresh icon, staring at my screen while wishing for an email to magically appear in my inbox. The white digits at the top right of my screen read '9:43' and paper cups were scattered over my table, the stench of coffee lingering in the air.

The front door opened and I tore my gaze from the computer, my lips tilted in a tired smile when Nick walked in. "Hey Nicky, how was it-?" The question died on my lips when I took in his distressed expression. "Nick? Hey, what's wrong?"

"I messed up, Arya." He whispered, eyes steadily filling with tears. "I really messed up. You were right about him. You all were."

"Woah, Nick, slow down. Take a seat. Right about who?"

Nick burst into loud sobs, a sound that ripped through my heart. His shoulders were hunched over and he collapsed- as though his legs couldn't hold up his weight anymore. I leapt go my feet, but wasn't sure what to do.

"BOYS!" I called. The house shook slightly as they stormed down the stairs, sleepy yet determined expressions on their face with guns drawn. It was Saturday- the one day off they got.

"What's wrong? Who do I have to kill?" Ethan yawned, but he frowned when he saw Nick. "Hey, you okay?"

"You were right about- about Henry." Nick whimpered. My hands subconsciously curled into fists and the temperature of the room seemed to drop ten degrees at Nick's boyfriends name. "He-he's not a good person."

"What did he do?" Caleb's voice was scarily cold- filled with an oily type of anger that only showed when his loved ones were threatened.

"L-last n-night, he t-told me he'd taken i-inappropriate p-pictures of me." Nick fisted his shirt, drawing his knees closer to his chest. "H-he s-showed them to m-me and he was g-going to p-post them online if I- if I didn't g-give him m-money. H-he said h-he'd post them if I t-told you guys. I h-had no idea he was t-taking the pictures..."

"It's okay." I whispered, pulling him into a hug. "He won't get away with it."

"Skittle's right." Kit cracked his knuckles. "And it's good you told us... we can discuss it and plan what to do next."

"W-what are we going to do?" Nick asked in despair.

"I'll ask our lawyers to look into this- maybe Henry has committed something similar in the past and we can expose him." Zack said, pulling out his phone. "Right now, just take a shower- you'll feel better once you've freshened up."

Nick nodded and Caleb helped him to stand. It was at that moment- in the pale sunlight penetrating through the window- I noticed something. It was a small discolouration around Nick's right eye and a tiny purple spot just below it.

My blood ran cold. The air in my lungs expelled in one breath. "Nick, did Henry hit you?"

He froze for a second then chuckled, turning to me. "Nothing escapes eye, huh Ree?" He wiped around his eye, slowly revealing a large bruise.

"Was this the first time?" I forced myself to say.

He didn't respond.

"He's going to die." Ethan growled. "I am going to kill him."

"I need to make a call." I mumbled, leaving the room. I scrolled through my list of contacts and clicked one, raising the phone to my ear. "Hello? Hey Jess... I need you to do me a favour..."


Third Person:

Henry opened the door of this apartment, carrying a plastic bag and whistling a merry tune. He kicked the door shut behind him and twirled the keys around his finger, placing his bag on the counter. He picked up one of the pictures on the table and smirked. Yes... I should get at least a couple thousand out of this one-

"Hello, Henry."

Henry whirled around to see a figure dressed in black reclined on his favourite couch.

"Who are you?" He demanded, fear and anger bubbling inside of him like a hot volcano.

"I've been doing my research on you." She continued, ignoring his question. "You hurt someone close to me, so now, I get to hurt you!"

Henry scrambled to the door, but froze when he heard a soft click. He slowly turned to find the girl on her feet, a black gun in her hand, steadily trained above his heart.

"Don't bother running." Her tone was airy and light, but with an undertone of danger. "Now, let's get started, shall we?"


"Yesterday at twelve seventeen am., Henry Lapellio was admitted to the hospital with grievous injuries. He has broken all his ribs, punctured both his lungs, burns were scattered across his body and his arms and legs were also broken. However, we have also received information that Lapellio was blackmailing his previous partners with inappropriate pictures and will be arrested as soon as he makes a recovery."

Nick glanced at Issac. "Was this you guys?"

Ethan snorted. "Don't be stupid, Nicky. Do you honestly think if this was us, he'd still be alive? Remember what we did to Paulson after he hurt Arya?"

"Fair point." Nick glanced at Arya, a sudden thought darting through his mind. Could... could she have something to do with this?

Nah... He dismissed. Arya has some violent tendencies, but years ago she told us she wanted nothing to do with the illegal sides of our business. It can't be her... right?

Nevertheless, he cleared his throat. "Ree... was- was this you?"

Arya took a sip of coffee, but her eyes sparked mischievously. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

End of chapter 15.


1. Think Henry deserved what he got?

2. Who do you think the traitor in the business is?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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