Chapter 14: The stupid plan

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The healer
The Killer


I waited for him to laugh and say he was just kidding.

"Wait, you're being serious?" I asked.

"Yeah." Zac scoffed. "It diverts suspicion from us helping you. So basically, you're walking in the streets, all happy and naïve-"


"And we, the 'bad guys' will swoop in and grab you. You flail and be all 'oh save me! Save me!'-"

"I do not sound like that-"

"-and then, we lock you up in our basement. We'll probably have to beat you up a little to really sell the act-"

"-Touch me and I will castrate you in your sleep-"

'-we invite Mantennii over, he takes you away for the wedding and then we come along and save you again." He finished proudly.

"You can't be serious." I stated. "You can't be f*cking serious, Isaac."

"What? Why not?" He questioned.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took in a deep gulp of air. I'm not drunk enough to deal with this. "I can name quite a lot of things that could go wrong with that plan."

"Oh really?" He scoffed.

"One," I counted on my finger. "We found the second microphone in the living room- Mantennii has probably already heard that you guys are keeping me here. He might already know you guys 'betrayed him' or whatever. Two, what they lock me up in a room and you guys can't save me?-"

"-That's a lot of 'what ifs' and 'probablys'." Kit interrupted. "We have to act quickly, however, so this is quite possibly the best plan we've got."

"Okay." I relented. "But if this goes wrong and I die, I will haunt you for the rest of your miserable lives."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Nick snorted wryly.

"When do we put this quite-frankly-stupid plan into action?" I mustered as much fake sweetness into that question as possible.

"How about day after tomorrow?" Kit suggested. "It's a couple days before your birthday- so plenty of time for us to swoop in and rescue you."

I was surprised that he remembered my birthday. But then again, one doesn't tend to forget such things after over a decade of buying presents.

"Fine." I sighed. "I am not looking forward to it."


(Two days later)

The plan was set in motion.

It was a beautiful day. The sky was a rich azure with the sun casting a golden glow below. Rays reflected off the River Thames, scattering light in a million directions like diamonds. I breathed in the cool air. What a splendid day to get kidnapped... Again.

I strode through the busy streets, a mint choc chip ice cream in one hand and a clutch purse in the other. Large crowds bustled about and tourists took pictures of everything.

"Excuse me, miss?" A short man with slicked hair approached me. "Do you mind taking a picture of me and my wife please?"

"Sure." I shrugged, taking his phone. "Why not?" I clicked a picture of him and his wife and they thanked me before walking off. Bloody tourists.

I continued meandering up and down the streets, having finished my ice cream. I checked my watch and saw it was time. But where was-

Right on cue, a white van with tinted windows rolled up next to me. The boys jumped out. I winced in sympathy at the black outfits they were wearing in the baking sun.

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