Chapter 6: Drunk and Stupid

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You broke down all my walls.

Issac: (For some reason, Wattpad didn't publish the edited version of this chapter- sorry for the confusion)

"She should've been back by now." Chris stated for the umpteenth time, hunched over on the couch and staring at his phone like they contained the answers to the secrets of the universe.

Nick rolled his eyes, patting Chris on the back. "It's been fifteen minutes- she and Lucas probably lost track of time or they're stuck in traffic. Calm down, you're gonna have an aneurysm."

Chris relaxed ever so slightly. "Yeah, you're ri-" His phone rang and he pounced on it like a cheetah. "Hello? What? No.....Why?" His face paled at whatever the person on the other side of the line was saying. "Yep, will do." He ended the call and stared at us. "That was Lucas, he said he dropped Arya off-"

"-See! I told you she's fine!-"

"-Over an hour ago." Chris finished, seconds away from tearing through the streets looking for Arya.

Ethan shrugged. "Don't worry, she's done this before, remember? Went out and scared you all half to death when it turned out she bumped into an old friend and her phone was discharged."

I glared at him. "If I remember correctly, you were the one calling for a nationwide woman-hunt."

"And spouting off wild conspiracy theories- you even almost killed a guy you thought had kidnapped her." Caleb added with a smirk.

Ethan scowled. "Semantics. But anyways, I'm sure she'll turn up soon. Now, let's watch something to take our minds off it." He switched on the TV.

"Body of a young woman found brutally murdered in an alleyway-"

Ethan switched off the TV and stood up, grabbing his coat. "We're going now."


"ARRRYYYAAAA!" Caleb screamed, sticking half his body out the car and kicking my face in the process. "ARYYYYYAAAAA! WHERE ARE YOUUU?!"

"QUIT SHOUTING YOU DUMBASS!" Nick yelled, yanking his twin back before Ethan could push him out the window.

"I SEE HER!" Chris screeched and I sent a silent prayer that my eardrum will be intact by the end of the day.

A figure was walking across the metal railing of the boardwalk, arms outstretched and a bottle clutched in her hand. Her steps were jerky and she swayed in the light breeze, looking as if she was seconds away from plummeting to the icy black sea.

Chris parked the car and we all jumped out, sprinting towards the wayward girl.

"Arya?" Chris called nervously, approaching her like one might approach a wild lion. "Um.. you okay?"

She span around on one foot and my heart stopped as she rocked on the balls of her feel, a nearby streetlamp illuminated her bright smile. "HEY GUYS! WHAT'S UP?" She giggled and continued. "What're youu doing heeere?

"You've been gone for- are you seriously videoing this?!" I hissed at Ethan, who shrugged, not looking the least bit apologetic.

"She's got plenty of dirt on me- it's payback time."

"Put. It. Away." I growled, glaring at him. "We have bigger problems to deal with right now!" I pointed to the lunatic girl who was belting out 'O Christmas Tree' while twirling and hiccuping like she was a drunk fairy.

"Arya," Chris said slowly, "Why don't you come down, huh? We can have a nice long chat while you're not centimetres away from death."

Tears suddenly filled Arya's eyes and she tilted her head back. "I honestly don't care anymore... I long for death- a chance to escape this endless cycle of misery and pain. Hell I'd do it myself if I wasn't so cowardly."

Mental note: Drunk Arya is a Depressed Arya.

"Don't speak like that." Caleb said sharply. He strode towards Arya, who stumbled back.

"BACK AWAY EVIL DEMON!" She screeched, swinging the bottle in front of her like it was a sword. She downed the last third of the drink and whooped loudly. "I AM THE QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE!"

"Just come down, Arya, so we can all go home and sleep!" Ethan growled. He reached for her, but she dodged out of his grip. Her foot slipped and her knees buckled as she titled back.

My heart jumped up my throat as the five of us lurched forward to catch her, but she managed to righten herself just in time.

"Whoo! Tthat was closssse!" She giggled.

"Too close." I mumbled, my heart slowly returning to its normal rhythm. I slowly approached my friend. "Hey, Ree, why don't you get down from there and we can all go home and have a movie marathon. We'll even make your favourite foods for you!"

"We will?" Ethan muttered and Nick elbowed him. However, Arya wasn't paying attention.

A small sob passed her lips and she sniffed and stomped her foot. "Why do you guys have to be so nice to me? It makes everything soooo much harderrrr!"

"What are you talking about?" His Highness Ethan snapped, frustrated he's missing out on his beauty sleep.

"I have twooo secrets!" She cried out, hugging the nearby lamppost with all her might. She held up two fingers. "Two."

"And what are they?" I asked. Yeah, I'm probably evil for trying to coerce my best friend's secrets out while she's drunk, but I blame my curiosity.

She shook her head, her frizzy black hair bouncing around her head. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Caleb questioned.

"Because you'll try to help me, and it'll break you when you realise I can't be saved." She whispered, a teardrop making a steady path down her cheek. She suddenly looked much older and severe- like the entire weight of the world was crushing on her shoulders and slowly killing her from the inside.

Then, after delivering that dramatically sad line, Arya face-planted in the cement. Ethan, who was closest to her, made no move to catch her. He even took a picture.

Chris turned his gaze to the starry heavens. "Why me?" Before picking up Arya, bridal style.

"What do you think she meant?" Caleb asked quietly, nodding his head to the snoring woman.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good." Nick said gravely.

End of chapter 6.

So sorry for the confusion! Wattpad published the old draft so I had to make some changes.


1: Thoughts on drunk Arya?

2. Think the boys are gonna find out her secrets?

3. What do you think will happen next?

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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