Chapter 22: Days

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Your melody
My harmony
Our symphony

Day 1:

The group tried to stay positive. But it was hard. Really, really hard.

Initially, they tried to ignore the cancer. But ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. The mood was pretty depressing, but everyone tried to cheer up. They only had thirty days after all.

They spent the first day organising Arya's finances and wills- the 'boring bit' according to the boys- wanting to get the uncomfortable topics out of the way as quickly as possible.

Then, they started planning the funeral.

It was a pretty sombre affair until Caleb subtly tried to steal one of Arya's McDonalds' fries and she slapped his hand away, hugging hers closer. In retaliation, he squeezed a ketchup packet and it exploded all over her. She gasped and chucked what was left of her drink at him, but missed and hit Ethan instead. Arya covered her mouth to hide a laugh at his murderous and shocked expression.

"You're dead." He growled, throwing his salad at Arya. The others joined shortly after and the hospital room was soon filled with shrieks of laughter.

Several nurses went to break up the fight, but the leading doctor stopped them.

"Let them have their fun for now." She said with a sad smile. "The poor girl is dying. It's the least we can do."

Day 5:

Arya's health declined rapidly. All hope for a recovery was lost and she was transferred to a hospice, under the control of the palliative care team.

The team were amazing. They allocated Arya a room filled with books to entertain herself when visiting hours were over. They also looked the other way when Caleb tried to smuggle in Sparklemuffin by draping a large curtain over him and trying to pass it off as a dream.

Arya felt her time running out, but she was determined to try and battle it out for as long as she could.

She also spent many hours bonding with her siblings. Jacob would braid her hair while Marigold painted her nails and they binge-watched movies.

Day 10:

The boys were dangerously aware of time slowly running out.

Arya was practically bed bound, too frail to even lift herself out of bed. Her ribs protruded from her skin and everything hurt- both inside and outside. And yet, she always had a smile on her face whenever she saw her friends or siblings.

On this day, Issac was inserting money into the vending machine. He watched the little silver ring spin and get stuck. He scowled and kicked the machine, but only succeeded in stubbing his toe.

"I don't think that works."

Issac whirled around and was pleasantly surprised upon seeing his old friend. "Wyatt! Haven't seen you in a while, man. How are you doing?"

"Not too bad honestly..." Wyatt tried to smile, but it was forced and strained.

Issac noticed. "What's wrong?"

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