Chapter 11: back to malfoy manor again

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Hey Guys sorry I haven't posted this story in awhile. Been busy and had no effort to make another part but I finished this chapter finally last night , so here u go!!
Hope u enjoy the story and please vote!!

Once potter and Weasley returned, I had finally calmed down but the tears kept falling. I then noticed Snape behind them and ran into his arms, hugging him like my life depended on it.

"What's wrong Draco?" Severus asked me.
"I-I" but I couldn't get my words out.
"Draco showed this to us and said, 'it's not good enough'" Hermione said handing the professor the report card. He checked over it and put his head in his hand, clearly worried.
"He's going to kill me, isn't he?" I asked
"Y-Yeah" he stammered out.
"Who's going to kill him?" Harry asked.
"Why is it not good enough? That's amazing!" Ron exclaimed.
"Not for father," I whispered quiet as a mouse.
"What?" Hermione asked, but I didn't respond, but she knew what I had said.
"Look, I have to go okay? I'm sure you'll be fine for now, but I will speak to him okay?" Snape said reassuringly, and patted my shoulder. I nodded my head.

Severus then left the compartment and went to the front of the train with the other teachers.

I was to worried to even speak.
"Draco, are you ok?" Hermione asked, but she knew that I was the total opposite.
She sat down next to me and rubbed circles on my back, instantly calming me.
I soon drifted to sleep, luckily I didn't have any nightmares, I just had a peaceful, dreamless sleep, that I will forever be grateful for.

But I was soon woken up by Hermione, shaking me and shouting my name, "Draco? Draco? Draco. Draco!"
I instantly woke up scared, "I-I sorry, sorry" I shouted in fear, bursting into tears.
"What? Draco it's fine it's me. You don't have to be scared." Hermione said. "We're at the platform now," I gulped, I was nowhere near ready.
I grabbed my trunk and waited for the trio to leave, "are you not coming?" Ron asked.
"I'll be out in a minute," I answered.
"We'll wait with you," Hermione said.
No,no,no go on ahead," I replied trying not to make it awkward.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Yeah" I said and once they left, I tried to mentally prepare myself for what was coming, but I couldn't. I just fell into a fit of tears.

But I knew that I needed to get off Thame train or father would be mad or madder, so I headed out of the train and saw father glaring up and down the platform until he noticed me. "Ah, Draco, come on" he boomed loudly, his voice frightening me.
I walked over to him, and he grabbed my shoulder and apparated us away, to the manor. When we arrived, he dragged me to his 'study'.

"Right, report card!" He shouted.
I shuddered at his voice and pulled the report card out of my pocket and hands it to him.
I was frightened for my life.
I was worriedly looking at him, while his eyes skimmed and scanned the piece of paper in front of him.

"What. The. Hell. Is. This. SHIT! This is utter crap! What on earth have you been doing this year?!" He shouted fuming with anger and hatred.

I was petrified, frozen.

I was not mentally or physically ready for what was coming my way.

"Stand up!" He boomed. I stood up, but just as I did, I was blown. He was angry, really angry.
He knocked me onto the ground and hit me multiple times in the stomach and kept on punching, whacking, pounding and kicking me until I was on the floor, beaten and bruised all over, with a cut and swollen lip, puffy eyes, and blood dripping down my mouth.

"I don't know what's going on in your head, but I do know this, you are not going to get away with any of it. Your just a stupid, ugly, boy. You don't deserve to be a Malfoy." He spat out while lifting my head up, by gripping on my hair and what felt like tearing it out.

"Get. Your. Shit. Together. And start behaving like a real Malfoy." He spat out, then stood up, grabbing his favourite wine that was in a small, glass cupboard, and sat down at his desk downing it in 3 gulps and getting another, and sat down again, with an evil grin plastered on his face, while laughing a menacing cackle.

"Now get out!" He shouted, I instantly did as I was told and stood up with shaking legs and walked out with a slight limp, I could barely even walk.  Once outside the office, I stammered up the stairs clinging onto the  railing with my life.

Once I made it to my room, I shakily opened the door and once inside, broke down, falling in the grounds with my legs speaker over the floor, limbs flailing.

I was petrified, I didn't think I'd survive this holiday.

30 mins later
I was still on the floor crying, with wet, tear-stained cheeks when I heard footsteps.
Oh no.
But then I realised the footsteps weren't loud and angry, but soft and delicate, mothers.
I shifted out of the door way, and at that same moment, she walked in and looked around, noticing that I was on the floor.

"Oh sweetie, come here" she whispered, and pulled me in for a hug, cradling me like a baby.
"It's going to be alright, I'll do something, just stay strong for me, okay?" She said softly stroking my hair and lifted my head up so she could see me.
I slightly nodded, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks, but I held them in.
I needed to be strong.
To be strong for mother.
I trusted her, more than anything on the earth.
Whatever happened to me, I wouldn't give up, because the only thing worth fighting for was her.

Okay so that was that chapter.
What do I think?
Like it? Love it? Hate it? Please let me know so I can improve, and let me know any suggestions for in the future thanks
Peaxe :)) <3
Word count: 1062

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