Chapter 25

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The next day draco woke up bewildered. He yawned and got out of bed and went to have a shower. When he came back Harry was sat on his bed smiling at him, "AAAHH!" Draco screamed, "FUCK OFF U SPOOKY BITCH!"
Harry laughed at dracos silly remark.
"What are u doing here?" Draco asked.
"U don't remember?" Harry asked looking a bit sad.
"Sorry, I must have been tired."
"U were tired when we were making love? Low blow Draco low blow," Harry whispered.
"MADE LOVE???" Draco shouted.
"SSHHHH!!" Harry said, but unfortunately the two boys alone time was finished as Blaise and Pansy came in.
"AAHH! SPOOKY BITCHES!!" Harry shouted, cowering himself in the covers.
Pansy and Blaise laughed out loud.
"Spooky bitches??" Blaise asked laughing.
"Best thing ever!" Pansy said also laughing.

"He started it!" Harry said pointing at draco.
"Did not!" Draco replied frantically.
"U did too!" Harry shouted back.
"Children, children, children calm down," Pansy said.
They soon calmed down.
"Now why is potter in ur room draco?" Pansy asked.
"Ummmmm" Draco replied not knowing what to say.
"We're fucking dating!!" Harry shouted happily.
"Okay sure say it like that," draco said ashamed.
"Who said they had sex?" Pansy asked.
"Umm it's quite clear, the messy hair, the newly wet draco, the messy bed, the clothes on the floor.." Blaise started.
"Alr fine we had sex!" Draco shouted at the two exasperated.

"See told you so!" Blaise said holding out his hand as Pansy put 3 galleons in his hand.
"Wait u two bet on us?!" Harry asked shouting.
"Yep," Blaise said smiling

Later at breakfast they all went in and Harry said bye to Draco and went to gryffindor table. "Hi,"Harry said to the trio.
"Hi Harry," Ron said.
"Harry," Hermione started - "yh" Harry replied -
"Didn't know you were a slytherin," she said.
"What do u mean?" Harry asked.
"Bloody hell mate which girl have u fucked?" Ron said.
"Oh my god Ron!" Hermione whisper shouted.
"Sorry," ron said.
"Omg oh no!" Harry said as he looked over at the slytherin table.
Draco had his tie on and everyone wanted to know who he had been with.
"Hermione I'll give u 3 galleons to switch ties with me and an extra 5 to get dracos tie!" Harry whisper shouted at her.
"Why would I do that?! Omg! That's ur tie?! Harry!! I didn't know u were gay!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Bisexual but pls Hermione," Harry begged her.
"Bloody hell mate," Ron said.
"Fine pay up now!" She shouted.
She quickly swapped ties with him got her money and marched to Draco.
All of the slytherins looked up at her shocked.
"Can I have the tie back?" She asked.
Draco was confused so she went up to him and whispered, "Harry asked me to do this for u."
"Oh okay tell him I said thanks and thanks to u as well," he said as he gave her the tie.
"Ur welcome" she said as she marched off, as everyone watched her.
When she sat down she passed the tie to him, "now because there is going to be rumours and all I accept 10 more galleons."
"Okay," Harry said giving her the money.
"How much money do u have?" Ron asked.

Later in potions class, "right I need everyone to get into partners only partners no trios u lot," Snape said as he pointed at Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"You guys go together, I'll go with someone else," Harry said.
He thought about going with neville but he partnered with a hufflepuff. "Hey" Harry heard a voice behind him.
It was Draco.
"Wanna be partners? Blaise and Pansy are together,"
"Hell yes," he said.
"Cmon then," draco said dragging him to an empty desk in the corner.
They began doing the potion.
"How bad are u at this?" Draco asked.
"How good are u at this?" Harry asked.
They both flirted the entire lesson.
"Right, well I need you to pack up and for homework I need you to create a new potion and write about its strengths, weaknesses, ingredients and what it does," Snape bellowed.
Everyone quickly left.
"Do u want to go to the astronomy tower there's usually no one there?" Draco asked Harry.
"Ofc" Harry said as they both made there way there.
Fortunately there was no one around.
Or was it actually fortunate?

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant