Chapter 13

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I knew I had to keep fighting and stay awake even if it would kill me, I had to.

After several more curses, I felt like I had been battered to the core, but I still kept going with every part of me. My eyeaight was slighlty blurry and everythingwas spinning.

Several minutes later, i heard the clammer of footsteps fading in the distance and a door slamming faintly from the other end of fhe corridor. I looked up hazily and noticed that father was gone and there seemed to be no life among me. My eyesight was blurry and a faint daylight was shining through the large window. I grunted and got up feeling faint and clutched my stomach hard, I felt as if I was going to be sick, but none other the less, i tumbled forwards holding onto he wall for support. I wanted to just have a rest quickly.

But I carried on and clambered up the stairs and into my room and sat on my bed thinking about what had happened in all of a short amount of time. I stared glumily at the wall infront of me. My stomach ached, my head was throbbing and I had a swollen lip with bruises all over me.  It was only the first day and i felt terrible, 'what was it going to be like for the rest of the holiday?' I thought to myself miserably.
Sighing deeply, I pulled myself on to the bed and heaved myself into the covers and resting my head against the pillow. I closed my eyes and almost instantly fell asleep feeling tired and drained of the little energy i had. 

I woke up instantly, dripping in sweat and in panic. I must have had another nightmare. I check the time on my watch and notice that its 2 am. I wipe my eyes and stare out of my window onto the large forest outside with the faint sun rays shining above them. I sat down at my desk pulling over the long amount of homework i had to do over the holidays.
I started on an essay in potions as i started explaining what Amortentia, love potion was and the ingredients and usages of it. At 4 i had finished it and felt proud of myself.

I knew that father would wake up soon and I didn't know when I would next eat so i headed downstairs and into the kitchen where a few house elves were there making breakfast and washing and drying dishes. "Uh hello m-master" a house elf with bug wide eyes and an old rag in said. "Hi, could i have some breakfast please?" I asked kindly kneeling down so i was face to face with him.
"Ok, yes master," he said, scurrying away to the others quickly and making the breakfast.
I sat down at the table thinking to myself when a house-elf came up to me with my breakfast and I began to eat quickly.

Once finished i thanked the house-elves and left heading upstairs to my room without being seen or heard. I began to get changed into a suit, i fi was going to see father I would at least try to make a good first impression of the day. Once changed I put on some foundation and concealer to cover up my bruises and my cut.

Lets hope today would be better..

Hey guys hope u enjoyed this
Sorry I haven't been active i have been really busy lately
I hope this will make it up
I will be posting every Wednesday or Thursday per week
Peaxe :)

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