Chapter 23

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It was another day at hogwarts. People were chatting to their friends about going to hogs Meade tomorrow. Because the weather was so nice, the teachers said that they could all go down to hogsmeade for the day, but had to be back by 7.
Of course the trio were going, they were all very excited.
As they sat outside on the grass, talking about what shops they wanted to go to, Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing over them.
"Hey draco?" Hermione asked nicely.
Draco lifted an arm up so he could see properly.
"Oh, hi?" He said confused.
"We uh-uh," Hermione started.
"We wanted to say sorry," Harry said as he finished of her sentence.
"It's just, we were horrible to u this year and we shouldn't have, especially because of what happened, with you know what," Hermione whispered.
"Umm, thanks guys, I'm sorry too. For what I did all those years ,"draco said apologetically.
"Okay, bye," Ron said as he turned away.

The rest of the day went in a blur. Draco was shocked tbh, he didn't think that they would say sorry. 'Maybe they're not all too bad. Or maybe they said sorry so that way they could trick me.' Draco thought.
When it came to dinner time draco had a bit of food, but had barely anything.
"Draco?" Blaise asked worried.
"Mmm?" Draco asked.
"You've barely touched ur food," he said, pointing at the food untouched.
"I just- I just don't think I can," he said.
Draco really didn't like to eat that much tbh. His father always said that a Malfoy shouldn't be fat and had to be on a diet and barely eat. Because Draco was taught like this, it was hard for him to break out of the cycle.
And plus, he didn't like eating infront of people. He would always think that everyone was always watching, and judging him silently.
He just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground.
To disappear.

"Hey Draco?" Pansy started.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"How about me and you share something, so u eat something smaller and ur not the only one eating it?" Pansy suggested as she smiled happily.
"I guess I could try," he said as he picked up a fork and tried some of Pansy's curry she got.
"That's actually not half bad," he said as he munched away happily.
This is what they would do every day and for 2 weeks everything was perfect.
Draco was feeling a lot better.
He ate more.
He talked about his feelings more.
He tried to stop sh but didn't always work out.
His grades improved.
And the best thing is that his father wasn't here.

But, on a Sunday afternoon the trio were out at hogsmeade in zonkos joke shop.
They were in the line and buying some supplies for pulling a prank on first years.
Suddenly they heard screams from outside.
"Holy crap! What was that?" Pansy shouted.
"Omg!" A first year said.
"What is it!?" Pansy screeched at a first yr.
"Idk, it's a man," he said.
"What man?" Blaise asked.
"I don't know, he's got long blonde hair and shouting something."

The trio stared at each other all gobsmacked.
"Oh! He's shouting 'dr-d-Draco!'"He said as he turned around to shocked faces.
"Oh my god." Draco said.
"Move." Draco said to the first years.
"Why? He's dangerous," they said.
"U heard him if I don't show myself ur all dead." He said.
They all looked shocked as they scooted out the way.
"FATHER!!" Draco screamed.
"Ahh, finally ur here," he said as he walked up to draco as he stroked dracos cheek. "Why would u leave me son, I'm ur father," he said.
"You are no father to me." Draco said bluntly.
Lucius took a step back, as if he was hurt.
"HOW. DARE. YOU." He shouted as he flew forward onto Draco, hand on his neck as he choked him and shoved him on the ground.
Draco struggled to breath as he tried to reach his wand.
"OI LUCIUS," a voice said behind Draco.
He recognised the voice, it was. Harry?
Lucius looked up and Harry shouted, "DEPULSO!" And knocked Lucius down.
Draco coughed and spluttered as Harry helped him up.
"STAY OUT OF IT. POTTER!" Lucius shouted.
"I ONLY WANT DRA- WAIT WHERE IS HE?" Lucius shouted.
No one could see Draco.
"Right here." He said as Lucius turned around to sheer him.
"Expelliarmus," Harry shot.
"DEPULSO," Draco said.
The boys shot out spell after spell.
Eventually Lucius gave up and disapperated.
Worn out Draco collapsed but Harry caught him.
"Hey, hey, I got u," Harry said to him.
"A little help?!" He shouted.
People rushed over and helped draco.

After half an hour of gaining his strength back, him, Pansy and Blaise all set off back to hogwarts scared.
Draco was numb.
He was scared.

He just wanted to give up.

Hey guys how are u all!
Thx sm for all the support lately I'm so happy.
If u like the marauders I have started a new story about how Sirius is abused and there's a lot of Wolfstar in it. :)
The title is: ABUSED // WOLFSTAR

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now