Part 1

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"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack," the enhanced twins squeeze their intertwined hands tightly, nerves flowing through both their bodies. "We are under attack." the announcer repeated, and the twins cautiously watched from the corner as soldiers scurried around the room like headless chickens.

" the announcer repeated, and the twins cautiously watched from the corner as soldiers scurried around the room like headless chickens

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Meanwhile, outside the panicked HYDRA base...

"Shit !" Tony cursed when he hit a forcefield that was sheltering the big building.

"Language," Steve scolded unintentionally as he maneuvered through the snowy trees on his motorcycle. He does sometimes forget it's no longer the 1940s, and that kind of 'language' was very much normal. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs ?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." the AI informed the team.

"My father's scepter must be here," Raven said, wielding a silver spear, effortlessly striking down surrounding HYDRA soldiers. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it."

"At long last." Thor adds from behind her, having just knocked a soldier out by feigning to catch his hammer.

Natasha hits heavy hand to hand combat after blowing up a HYDRA vehicle, crouching down she adds, " "At long last" is lasting a little long, guys."

"Yeah," Raven flips over a vehicle that was accelerating towards Clint, ripping it apart with her magic. "Think we lost the element of surprise." she says though coms after taking cover behind a tree, now shoulder to shoulder with Barton.

He leans to the side, shooting three arrows at oblivious soldiers. "We sure did." he says, and they both chuckle next to each other.

Raven then rolls her eyes before teleporting back into the fight, having heard Tony's loud thoughts before he even  spoke. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language' ?"

"I know," he huffs, flipping over his motorcycle, before launching it at an incoming enemy vehicle. "It just slipped out."

"Sure it did grandpa." Raven cheekily adds as she now fought alongside Thor, the poor Midgardian soldiers absolutely no match for the Asgardian pair, earning a laugh from a flying Tony Stark. "Stark, the city is taking fire !" she exclaimed, hearing the fearful screams from innocent citizens from miles away.

Tony sighs in his suit, annoyed at this forcefield he was having trouble dismantling. "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties," Raven yells a 'clearly' as she expertly dodges bullets. "JARVIS, send in the Iron Legion."

"Rave !" Clint calls, and not needing to elaborate, Raven teleports to his location; she levitates above him, shielding them both in a protective glimmer of green. As he shoots an explosive arrow toward a bunker, a sudden swipe of blue wizzes past, snatching the arrow. Confused thoughts ran through the pairs head, and just as Raven sets herself on the ground - dropping the shield- Clint shakes it off and aims another arrow. However, before this one could even leave the crook of his fingers, he's suddenly knocked off his feet, landing sorely on the snow-covered ground.

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