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You joyfully walked with your friend, Bennett, to the cafeteria. You couldn't wait to tell everyone about Xiao. You followed Bennett into the line for food. You grabbed a Satisfying Salad while Bennett grabbed some Stir-Fried Fish Noodles. Bennett somehow didn't trip and drop his food as the two of you went to find your friends.

"Hey, guys!" you said, placing your food on the table. "You'll never believe what I-" Your eyes then noticed someone who usually did not sit at your lunch table next to Venti. "X-Xiao?!"

"Ah, it seems you are alright," he said. He had a black, square lunch box in front of him from which he pulled out Almond Tofu. "Venti invited me to eat with you all since I usually eat alone."

"You usually eat alone?!"

"I remember when I used to do that..." Bennett said, sitting down across from you. "And then (y/n) sat with me because she didn't know anyone and now we're friends!"

"That was freshmen year," you said. "No one knew anyone for the most part."


You all - you, Bennett, Venti, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Diluc, and his step-brother Kaeya - shared with Xiao how you all met during freshmen year.

"Ah, I see," Xiao said, looking slightly confused. "But you mentioned two others? Where are they?"

"They probably got stuck in math," Venti explained. "Their teacher hates everyone."


"Speak of the devil," Kaeya said.

Two tall boys sat at the table, one with a big grin and the other with a bored look.

"And these are Tartaglia and Zhongli, Xiao," you said. "You can also call Tartaglia "Childe" because that's what he goes by on YouTube."

"He has a YouTube channel?" Xiao asked. "He must have good time management since he has to study for school."

"Time management doesn't exist in my vocabulary," Tartaglia said, picking up his Golden Chicken Burger and taking a bite. "Mmm..."

"Ah, Xiao," Zhongli said. "I believe we have English and Physics together?"

"Yes," Xiao confirmed.

"Mffh mffhhh," Tartaglia said, his mouth full of food.

"I beg your pardon?"

Tartaglia swallowed his bite of food. "Xiao, Venti told me during Chem that you saved our precious (y/n) from bleeding to death this morning."

"T-that's not what happened!" you protested.

"She was not bleeding to death," Xiao corrected. "She merely had scrapes on her hands, hence they are all bandaged up now." He reached over the table and picked up your hand, showing it to Tartaglia. Your face suddenly felt like it was on fire.

"Whoa, whoa, don't kill her," Kaeya said, noticing your blushing face.

"Ah, (y/n)!" Chongyun panicked, thinking you were overheating somehow. "H-have some cold noodles to cool you down!"

"N-no, I'm okay, Chongyun!" you insisted.

"Don't give away your food," Xingqiu said, taking a sip of tea.

"AH, MY PLATE'S ON FIRE!" Bennett screamed.

Then all hell broke loose.


It turned out that Bennett's plate was not on fire, but it was smoking due to a hot, burnt piece of fish in his food. Still, they had everyone evacuate the school, ending school for the day and canceling clubs.

"My parents aren't gonna be home for a while," you whined. "Venti, can I come to your house?" you pleaded your best friend.

"Sorry, (y/n)," he said. "Unless you wanna come to Diluc and Kaeya's with me to try their dad's new wine!"

"N-no thank you..."

Bennett had gone home to avoid any further unluckiness and Xingqiu had gone to the bookstore. Chongyun had overheated when he heard Bennett's plate was on fire, so he went home.

And that left you with no one.

"I guess I'll go hang out at a cafe or something by myself," you sighed.

"(y/n)? Where is everybody else?" a voice asked.

You turned around to see Xiao in all of his beauty. "Xiao!" you cried. "I'm all alone!"

"Okay?" he said.

"Can you hang out with me until my parents get home and unlock my house?"

"You don't have keys?" You shook your head. "Fine. Where should we head?"

"The arcade!"

"But there's school tomorrow. You should study."

"Gotta live life to the fullest, Xiao."

"Alright then."


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