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"I birthed a child!" was not what Xiao was expecting to hear as he came to the doorway of your classroom. Your friends and classmates who remained in the classroom burst into laughter.

Except when your friend, Ganyu, spotted Xiao and stopped laughing, the whole room became silent. She grinned and whispered to you, causing your face to burn. Ganyu and your other friend, Yanfei, urged you to go and talk to Xiao. So, rolling your eyes, you got up and walked over to Xiao and everyone but your friends went back to your own business.

"What's up, Xiao?" you asked.

"I'm bored," he replied, "and Chao-Xing keeps bothering me."


"My step-sister, Chao-Xing."

"..." You thought for a moment back to when Xiao had originally told you he had a stepmother. "Oh, that makes way more sense!"


There was an awkward silence between the two of you that seemed to last an hour.

"So you wanna go eat lunch?" you suggested.

"Yea," he answered.


"Hey, why are we sitting away from everyone else?" you asked as you and Xiao sat down at a small table away from your usual table with your friends.

"Because I wanted to eat with you," Xiao replied as if it were obvious.


You started tucking into the crystal shrimp you had brought from your leftover dinner last night. Xiao, like always, started tucking into his almond tofu.

"So, (y/n)," he said about halfway through your quiet lunch. "did you understand what I was trying to ask you earlier?"

"No," you quickly replied. "Oh, wait the thing about the leaf? 'Cause if that's the case, nah, I was really confused."

"Oh, ok. Would you like me to explain what I was saying?"

"Go ahead."

"Alright, so I think you're really c-"


Xiao died internally as he stopped speaking and turned his attention to the principal of the school.

The principal started talking about school events and the important girls' basketball championship game that night.

"We need you all to go to support our school and team!" they cried. "This is a big game and you will all get a day off of school on Monday if more than two hundred of you come!"

"A DAY OFF OF SCHOOL?!?!" people roared.

That's when Xiao thought of a new plan to ask you out.


"Hey, you going to the game tonight?" Xiao asked as the two of you walked home.

"Well, if I get a day off of school then definitely," you answered. "Wait why are you of all people asking that?"

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