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"So where are we meeting up with everyone else?" you asked Xiao.

"Um, we're not."

You literally made a 😮 face.

"So," Xiao said, counting his money in his black leather wallet, "have you eaten? If you have, could I take you out for some dessert maybe?"

"A-ah, yea, I ate," you blurted out, waving your hands in front of your face. "But you don't need to buy me any dessert it's fine!"

"Mm I see... Well follow me then, let's take a walk."

"I hope you're not trying to kidnap me..."

"Do I look like a kidnapper to you?"


So the two of you walked through the streets on that perfect, cloudless evening. You and Xiao pointed several shops and other buildings that either of you liked out to each other. At one point, around 6:30, a breeze picked up, causing you to shiver a bit. Xiao noticed and took off his sweatshirt and handed it to you.

"You look cold," he said.

"Nah, I'm fi-" You were cut off by a breeze that made you hug your arms for warmth.

Xiao smiled ever so slightly and gently put the sweater over your head.

"Ah, thank you, Xiao," you smiled.

He nodded and moved to stand in front of you. Looking into your eyes, he reached to grab your hands.

"Hey, um, don't tell anyone about this, okay...?" he asked.

"About wha-"

You didn't get to finish your sentence because Xiao suddenly pressed his lips against yours, leaving you in shock. Xiao pulled away and quickly backed up from you. Seeing your look of shock, he mistook it for the thought that you didn't like his kiss.

"Oh crap... I'm sorry, (y/n)," Xiao apologized. "I should've asked if I could kiss you.."

You just blankly stared at him and then quickly blurted out, "I LIKE YOU A LOT."

And he responded with...

"I like you a lot, too."

hi lol im back after my break
sorry if there arent spaces in between some words (i double checked but i may have missed some) my space bar isnt working super well...
and sorry about y/n seeming to only like xiao for his looks.. i dont really have much experience in liking people... (but now im contradicting myself in reminding myself i have a bf???? help??????)


☆ smitten ! xiao‎  ( ✓ )Where stories live. Discover now