The World Wide Web

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Waking up, Izuku sees himself in a dark place. Just pitch black.

'Where am I? Why can't I talk?'

Looking around, he sees nothing, until a line comes to him.

Grabbing it, he pulls, and as if a light switched on, he sees himself in the center of a ball of light.

'The globe? More light comes from the more advanced places, so maybe devices?'

Floating to the outline of Japan, it zooms in and expands Japan, while all the other continents fade away.

Opening his home town of Mustafu, he searches for his home, and sees only 1 glowing orb there.

'So if these orbs really mean devices, then she must not be home. I'll just wait here.'

Watching the area, he sees 3 orbs slowly close in, and get to the orb that is in his home.

'No time like the present.'

Touching the glowing orb, he finds himself like he was staring out from inside the television. He sees the lights turn on, and a few sobbing murmurs are there.


A few stumbles happen to his right, and 3 people run to the living room, all with a bright orb in one of their pockets.


Launching herself at his screen, Izuku kinda steps back in fear before trying, and failing, to hug Inko back.

Getting an idea, he focuses on the light in her purse.

"Check your phone mom."

He then appears in a small body on her screen, looking around in the new world where he could interact with the phones buttons.

Pressing a button, he opens the phone app, then closes it.

Waiting for his mom to dig him out, he starts playing a few games that she downloaded, and figured out he could use the games differently then before.

'Since when could I pick up the characters armor, and fight with them?'

Shrugging, he continues to entertain himself until he hears a loud cough above him.

Looking to the screen, he sees his mom staring down at him playing.

"Having fun there?"

"Yeah, I can play these myself without the screen now!"

Laughing at her sons antics, she puts the phone on the top of her purse, then closes it, giving him a view of the outside.

"We're going to a friends friend to get you checked out, and Bakugo, we'll discuss your punishment later."

Watching them leave, then picking up her keys, she gets to her car, then gets ready, driving off to the place everyone wishes they could be.

Arriving at UA, Midnight greets them, opening the gate so Inko could enter.

Just as Inko passes her though, a voice rings out.


Freaking out, Midnight draws her whip, and starts to look around, while Inko again laughs a bit before tapping her shoulder.

Turning around, Midnight is met with a phone screen, a green child on a speaker in the notepad app, a file already there being typed about all her information and some theories, and the speaker of the phone going beserk.

"Oh my god its Midnight the 18+ hero! Her quirk lets people go to sleep! The gas that puts them to sleep comes from her skin, so can she just pressurize her suit so it blasts out quicker and further? This isn't the focus right now! She's right here and she's my moms friend! We're in UA right? Oh my god! That means Midnight works in UA now? I mean looking at all the factoid clippings, that's true, but oh my god since when could I meet her and never did? Where are we going today in UA? To Nezu maybe? Or recovery girl? Both of them could help here. Oh wait no I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry, but I-"

Waving her hand to cut off the fanboying and questions, Inko replies in a simple tone.

"Fanboying can wait Izuku. We're meeting both nezu and recovery girl for your condition."

Hearing a squeal come from the phone, and the sound of maniacal typing, she puts the phone back into her purse, and then looks up to see a gaping Midnight.

"He- Wha- Ho- That is your son right?"

Laughing it off, Inko just says a simple "I'll explain later", then lets a highly confused Midnight in the middle of questioning life lead her to Nezu, or as she called him, Rat God.

--Cyber World--

Going through UA in his moms phone, Izuku sees many lights, and despite his better judgement, he goes into one, and finds himself inside the network of UA.

With a manifestation of an antivirus in front of him, he sees the primed claws on the spherical body.

The single sensor in the center of the translucent blue body locked onto him.

'Ahhhhh poop.'

Staring at the antivirus, it primed to attack, and lunged, having Izuku instinctively put his guard up.

crackle pop BAM

Wondering why the hit hasn't happened, he takes a look, and finds the sphere defender a bit away, with smoking claws. The perpetrator probably being the electric field defense he has surrounding him.

'That's new...'

Dropping his guard, the field disappears.

Opening his hand in a claw shape, his fingers crackle in electric power was a translucent yellow set of claws cover his hand to his wrist, and the ends seem sharper than anything else.

Swinging it around it bit, he manipulates the fingers to see if he can move, and to his surprise, he can.



Looking to the origin of the sound, he finds the single guard now duplicating itself into the hundreds.

Moving his other hand as if it was gripping a handle, he imagines a sword.

'Lets try this.'

Opening his eyes after hearing slight buzzing, he finds his other hand in a gauntlet, and an electric katana in his hands.

'Perfect. So I can create constructs from electricity as I imagine it.'

Imagining armor over his body, he puts his guard up as the antivirus finished duplicating into the millions, and begin their attack.

As the hundreds of claws meet his barrier, then explode, the continuous attacks begin to make him worry on if he'll survive to use his new powers for anything.

'No better time then the present.'

Choosing a slight weakness in the surrounding, Izuku drops his guard at the perfect time to stagger the guards in that area, then charges through, relying on his armor to burst through.

'Alright you antivirus. I'm armed and I understand my power this time.'

Dropping the claw, and summoning another gauntlet, a slight buzzing, and weight in that hand let him know that his bolt spear had been formed.

Eyes shining, realizing he's in something similar to that game, and had fun there, he prepares to have the time of his life here.


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