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"Okay this isn't going to work."

Inventor stood in front of the piles upon piles of scrap and mangled steel that used to be Izuku's multitude of drones. The pieces were all melded together, and Inventor swore he could see some blue, glowing goop flowing out of the remains. The screen lightly flickered before it short-circuited and blew out, causing the whole mangled mess to catch on fire.


Izuku, now sitting in Inventor's security system just watched with slight concern as the mangled mess lit on fire, and burned the colors of the rainbow from all the different metals. The battery acid also lit on fire, which is where Izuku became doubly concerned.

"Um I don't think you should breathe in burnt battery acid?"

Izuku was quick to worry, but Inventory simply waved his hand, and shoo'd off the worry. He had done much more insane things, like blowing up nuclear grenades and building a suit that electrocuted itself as a protective measure. Essentially, he'd been long used to gambling with his life.

"Don't worry Izuku. I've done worse. Now, let's see what the hell happened."

Returning to the den, Inventor loads up the security feed for when Izuku's bots had broken. The screen replayed the recording, starting with a black screen as the file was retrieved from his admittivity massive archive, and the screen flickered to life as the video played.

It began at the start of the day, where Izuku had been trying to control all of the drones at once. He figured he could, since he already could control one remotely, so why not two? It'd probably be like his clone fighting techniques when he was in the digital space, so why not give it a try? His first attempt went a little poorly, as the primary drone functioned perfectly, but the secondary could only really follow basic commands. Izuku tried with a third and fourth drone as well, but they followed the second in only doing simple outputs.

He'd need to split his brain in two if he wanted to control both at once. He could either duplicate his brain and personality into a separate entity to control the second drone, but Inventor's concern about it going rogue was enough to persuade Izuku that it maybe wasn't the best idea. Powerloader and Nezu also added their two cents, saying Izuku could try and think in parallel instead of linearly, but after a few fried supercomputer RAM storages, that idea got scrapped too.

So Izuku thought he'd try and do something, where he'd try and do all of them at once. He tried to parallelly think, while planting a duplicate into each drone, then finally trying to control the duplicates and the drones at once. 

This made a new problem though, since the main drone was not built with enough processing power to control what amounted to 4 Izuku's. This ended with a meltdown, causing all the internal systems to fire off at random, and that ended with a plasma cannon firing while still in the orb, blowing out some of its flight ability. 

With the loss of flight control, the main drone then crashed into the other two, which then both fired their weapons at the primary one in order to destroy it, but the primary lived, albeit melted, and proceeded to melt onto the two remaining. 

After that happened, the battery inside the primary blew up, releasing all the electricity, shocking the two other drones, and frying the entire area with electricity, where in the middle the amalgamated system landed, firing its weapons off randomly, making what remained of the slag heap even worse to deal with. Finally, all the plasma stuff broke down, heating up the still coherent forms of the orbs, and melting them all, leaving the slag heap that just set itself on fire.

"So to sum it up, its Izuku's fault."

Izuku gasped at that accusation, but Powerloader, Nezu, and Inventor were all in agreement by that. If Izuku hadn't made the test, they wouldn't end up with a slag heap burning in the middle of a field. Thankfully, the fire by now had died down enough, that when Inventor went to clean it up, he could just spray nitrogen foam at it until it stopped burning.

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