Starting the Workshop

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Staying on his moms phone on the trip to Inventors home, Izuku started asking about the firewall gauntlet.

"So I was just on stage one?"

"Yes Izuku. You were on just stage one of the firewall. If you want to beat it, then you'll have to get past all 100 stages in one go."

"How long should that take?"

"Well given your age, your supposed mental capacity, the computing power given to you, your speed in working it out... I'd say all factors considered, it'll take you 2 years give or take to complete."

"So I shouldn't expect to get too far in one go?"

"I'd more say get far in one go, get stuck, learn, and go from there."

"Sounds good."

Listening to this conversation in the drivers seat, Inko is slightly confused about what Rat Satan and her son are talking about, but that's not her space to barge.

Arriving at the edge of the forest, the road map expands from the app, and Izuku maps out the route to go, which Inko follows.

Arriving at a small wooden cabin with a shed in the middle of the forest, they take in the scenery around.

Lush forest covers every sight, as a clearing of light shines through the tree line. Clear signs of cutting done to create the clearing, but at the same time, it looks natural. 

In the middle sat a broken down shed with rotting logs making up the exterior, and some shabby struts keeping the whole thing together. 

Checking the door to find it's just a simple swing door on metal hinges, they enter to find the Inventor missing. Not only that, but the description Izuku gave didn't match what it looked like.

Looking around and searching, Izuku pinpoints that the rotting exterior must've been a bait to simply have any other searchers give up, while the actual workshop is underground.

Nezu pulls out his own phone as he makes a call, having Cementoss come over to fix up the place with concrete that looks like sedimentary rock, making the house to look more like a regular boulder.

Eventually, after a bit of investigation (hacking into the power cables), and discovering the trapdoor (Following the electric flow to where it was being taken), Inko flips the trapdoor open, jumping back as a flamethrower lights, but doesn't fire.

"Huh? Ah shiiiiiiiit...."

Looking down to see the Inventor lying in bed, fully clothed, while also covered in a blanket, his eyes wander to Inko and Nezu as he then stares at the ceiling. The large body rolls off the bed as he reaches for his pile of inventions.

"More people to steal my stuff? I already beat that last group back."

Picking up what seems to be claws, attaching them to an exoskeleton, then realizes who he's looking at, he sighs a small relief. 

"So it's just Rat Satan and Co. Well welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home."

Sitting down at a chair, Inko gets into compliments and talking about the stuff Inventor makes, him just brushing it off as "a side hobby. Nothing to be proud of."

Eventually getting fully into gear, he jumps into talks with Nezu and Izuku about his "presents"

"Well I didn't get much done since you can see I passed out thinking of ideas, but that's not important. Right now, I don't have the machines to make the stuff I need for your stuff. Alloy 3-D printers are a must, and a fully automatic lathe are almost required. I've made do with my belt sander, my bandsaw, and solder, but the items needed for the newest build require some more fine tuned building rather than my scrap weapons."

Nodding his head and seeing the predicament, Nezu responds with a reasonable offer. 

"I can get all the items you listed and a few others no issue. I ju-"

Cutting Nezu off, thinking that it was an issue regarding price, "If it's money, I can just sell a few of my inventions to you for the cost covering. The items aren't too good, but they'll do."

Letting him finish, Nezu continues. "As I was saying, I just have a single request. That you don't sell anything to villains. We'll distribute should you need to sell them, and we'll be the sole people to do so. We can do background checks, and it'll be more trustworthy."

Surprised at that offer, and thinking it would be much more difficult, Inventor wanted to confirm.

"So you mean you'll do a makeover of my house, give a workshop worthy of the support department, and let me use any alloy or material I wish as long as it's within a budget, as long as I only sell inventions to those you allow me to? Sounds too good to be true."

"But it's true Inventor. I've seen the stuff you've sold before. That armor isn't the original isn't it?"

Sighing as he knew Nezu would've known one way or another, he just replies honestly.

"Yeah it's not the first. The first one was sold off to a low-tier hero who still uses it to this day. It's a lot cruder than the current one which your bush-haired bean helped make, but it's good enough for the field."

Laughing and clapping his hands, knowing he found someone to do a monstrous task, Nezu hops off the table he had been standing on, before making his way onto Inventor. Finding the non-muscular shoulder quite comfortable, Nezu sits there as he makes another text, now calling Power Loader to call in a few shops. During that time, Izuku had left to experiment more in the screen globe to see if he could recreate the machines there too.

"You'll be able to get the things in tomorrow. I do have a question though."

"Ask away Nezu. What could you be wondering?"

"Why hide yourself so deep in the woods?"

Stopping at Nezu's words, and then sitting down, Inventor sighs as he lays back.

"I used to love someone. I still do love them, and I won't ever stop loving them. The issue is that the enemy killed them before I could save them, and so I hid to not be found."

Feeling the mood of the room drop by a few levels as the people digested what he said. 

"My developed quirk had been one I wrote about, but being a minority here, and the challenges I faced just getting a life here, I don't want to ever show myself again. They're coming for me, and I don't want to be caught. They'll experiment on me again, and I only survived last time because of my lover. If I get caught again, I don't think I'll survive."

Taking a shaky breath as he continued, Inventor created a small blue ring in his hand, like a disk of some sort. 

"Music Manipulation is my quirk. The first quirk I wrote about. Kind of ironic don't you think? But my life story isn't why we're here."

Getting up after dropping the bomb that he had lost a lover and that a shadow organization was hunting him, he waddles over to his workbench as Nezu and Inko contemplate what they had heard.

"You know you can go to UA and be protected there right?"

Staring at the back of Inventor as he sighs and puts his hammer down, he nods.

"Yeah I know but for now, I'm content here. This is where we used to meet up before they killed us, so I'm staying here."

"Alright then, but if they come back, don't hesitate to call."

"I won't Nezu."

Giving his word to tell if they find him, Inventor continues to work, putting the final touches on his latest project. 

"Nezu, I planned to complete it yesterday, but here it is. It's a seat that will automatically fit whatever you sit on, regardless of shape or surface."

Trying it by sitting on the side of a table, on Inko's shoulder, on Inventors shoulder, and a few other places, Nezu then asks the question he had come to ask.

"What's the gift you wanted to give Izuku?"

Smiling slightly devilishly, he moves over to another workbench holding a covered pile of blueprints. Taking off the cover, and lining the up to where they should go, the big project is unveiled to everyone watching.


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