New Friend!

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Staring at Nezu like he grew a second head, Izuku just stares at him, as Inko worriedly looks at Izuku, then at Nezu, then Izuku again, then rinse and repeat.

"Y-you want me, as your student?"

"Well, less of my student, and more of an... assistant."

Izuku, trying to process it, started taking memory from the computer he was using, and watching the number rise, he was trying to compute, with 90% of the computers 100TB memory.

"A-and you want me for this why?"

"Because you are one of, if not the smartest human in the world."

Staring at him again, Izuku stares back at him again.

"This is going to take some time to set in for him, so can we leave and come back?"

"Oh sure Inko! Take your time Izuku."


Fading back into his electro sphere, Izuku begins to ponder about all that Nezu talked about, and in the meantime, began to experiment with his powers.

With a thought, he remade Japan with the globe of screens replacing UA, A giant ocean that spreads out to infinity, and a volcanic area, with the globe above the volcano.

Reading a few quirk databases, he looks through and finds a bunch of quirks that interest him.

Looking through, and starting to experiment, he begins to apply these quirks to himself.

Growing claws with a transformation, then spewing fire with an emitter, then growing into a zombie using a mutation.

'So in this world, I can really do anything, even give myself quirks.'

After confirming and running through the almost infinite quirk database, using some clones to speed up the process, he makes his quirk impossible to deactivate, disable, or be stolen. He then starts looking at online journals, and finds a user who had written over 800 unique quirks that could exist, given enough time.

Deciding to find out more about the user, Izuku tracks down their computer IP, and all the information needed, before going into the globe of screens.

Zooming into a space of Japan, where a small forest should be, 3 screens existed there.

Appearing on one, he finds the user there, sleeping on his desk. Checking the time, Izuku sees that it is 7 in the afternoon.

Using the camera to look around the mans room, he sees suits of armor, claws, a metal wolf mask, a few metalworking machines, and dozens of blueprints.

Accessing the database surrounding the persons computer, he learns of his online name, "Inventor". 

Looking through more files, searches, and things like that, Izuku finds his blueprint software, and dives into with glee, already interested after seeing so many blueprints that should work.

Countless blueprints, all with names. Some had checkmarks next to the names, some had crosses, some had question marks, and some had nothing. Seeing resemblances, and looking at the notes, the checks were the completed ones, the crosses being failed projects, and the question marks were ones he was stumped on.

"Ughhhhh. Did I forget to turn the screen off?"

Looking up from editing another blueprint, Izuku sees that not only 5 hours had passed, and it was now midnight, but Inventor was also waking up.

"Who are you? Why are you on my blueprint? How did you get there?"

Several questions were asked at once, and stopping his work, Izuku just typed them out using the notes.

'My name is... Bunny! I'm here because I'm interested, and this is my quirk!'

"A technopath quirk hm? That's nice. Please don't touch anything though. They're all dangerous stuff you shouldn't be involved in."

'Oh sorry then Inventor. I was just trying to correct some flaws you had in your failed projects.'

"You said correcting flaws? Let's see this then."

Loading up an older blueprint he failed on, while letting Izuku work, he saw that the critical mistake on the electric teeth for the flamethrower mask was fixed, and in a much simpler way than he imagined! Running the simulator revealed no issues, even when incorporated with the flamethrower. 

"Of course Tungsten-Rubber fusions should work! Tungsten deals with the heat, and rubber as an insulator!"

Looking through the rest of the corrected blueprints, Inventor is more and more interested in Izuku as he could fix any problem.

"You do good work Bunny. I'm still confused on why you're here in the first place."

'Oh I found you online, and wanted to check you out.'

"Don't you have a physical body to get back to though?"

'Nope! It apparently died in the hospital.'

"Well that sucks... Wait, I might have a solution."

Loading up another blueprint, Izuku wanted to take a look, but he had matters to deal with. Namely a worried mother.

'I would love to stay, but I have to go back home! My mom's going to be worried!'

"Oh okay then. Take file e-tracker with you. Should help keep your moms worries at bay. It'll show here where you are in the technological world. It's a tracker for technopaths."

Duplicating the file, and grabbing the copy, Izuku saves the IP address, then flies out back into the globe, already looking for his apartment.

Meanwhile, his mom was texting nezu over some way to track Izuku, because he wasn't back yet.

Finding his moms phone, he jumps in, then installs the app used for the e-tracker, planting it on himself.

"Hey mom! I'm home! Just made a friend who calls himself Inventor!"

"That's nice sweetie, but you should tell me when you run off."

"Oh! That's why I got something from him as a present! He gave me a tracker I could give you, so you can know where I am in the world, all the time!"

Staring at her screen in shock, Inko quickly opens the app, aptly named "Izuku Tracker", and getting a screen showing the globe, and an Izuku icon right where they lived. As Izuku left to the electro sphere, the icon moved outside of the globe, and going back to Inventors IP, Inko saw that he too lived in Japan, also a few minutes away in the nearby forest.

Izuku, in the electric world, came back to see Inventor asleep again, so he placed a green beacon on the IP, letting him easily find it, and he headed home, placing a blue beacon there.

Inko smiled at her son making new friend, and seemingly very capable ones too.

Getting into bed, and setting her phone with the app to also let the app be on her computer, Izuku then watched her sleep, as he browsed the internet for more information.

'I think I'll take Nezu up on that offer now.'

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