Izuku vs Nezu. The first of many.

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Rushing the Reaper worms, Izuku's clones adopt a hit and run tactic as Izuku begins to maneuver them quite well, while also fighting off the occasional one which managed to leak through.

Attacking in a wave, retreating and letting the virus kill its hosts, then rushing again. The crude tactic sacrificed bots in the thousands to take care of a few hundred enemies, but with the Reaper worms unable to reproduce unless it attacks the bots that its allied with, the numbers slowly start to drop.

That is until a plasma outline of a cackling Nezu appears behind the bots.

"Enjoying the fight? How about I control them now."

Izuku, knowing what this entails, quickly pulls his clones back as the Reaper worms turned on the other bots, infecting a quarter of the bots forces, but not killing them, creating almost a billion Reaper bombs. As the bots are infected, their arms split and form into many scythes, and their eyes turn white.

Sending in a clone group that tries to punch through, a few Reaper bots explode onto the clones, which then explode into more, each excess amount just infecting other enemy bots and adding them to the bomb stockpile.

Grumbling a little inside, Izuku creates a thin wave of his clones as he also prepares his drill again, trying the same strategy as the other waves. 

This however was stopped when the enemy bots allowed them to close in, punched a hole through their defense, and then spread over the now trapped clones, as the Reaper worms make quick work of those clones.

'How am I supposed to pass? Maybe I need to take out all the regular bots first?'

Increasing his duplication production, Izuku just sends fodder there to stall as he makes sure to destroy as many normal bots as possible, avoiding the Reaper group entirely.

Sending over a wave, Izuku starts to aim for the bots not infected, and not close to the Reaper worms.

As this wave attacks, the enemy bots fight back of course, but using well made formations, the bots didn't have many casualties.

The bots who suffered heavy damage were transferred to the Reaper worm cult, and the still good ones were proliferating.

Both to balloon the number of Reaper worms, but also continue the stalemate.

Seeing this, Izuku looked over to the flanks that were covered with Reapers, all ready to explode, and decided against it.

Sending single clones over to take out the numbers, he started whittling them down, still increasing his number of cloning clones.

Once the critical mass had been reached, Izuku gained a slight eerie glint in their eye.

'Take this! Gigaton drill!'

Billions of clones formed into a cone, the outermost clones turning into meat shields.

The Reaper flanks advanced to take out the clone cone, which was duplicating in size as the middle thousands were duplicating. Both to increase the power, but also to prepare for what is to come.

The plasma Nezu who had just been observing the battle finally spoke.

"Well created Izuku. Too bad this was a mistake."

As the Reaper hosts moved towards the cone, hundreds exploded creating a wall of Reaper worms, which then infected the whole outer layer of clones.

'This is where you're wrong Nezu. I'm fighting fire with fire.'

As the outermost clones started exploding, the innermost clones were constantly duplicating, pushing the infected away from the center.

As this happened, the new outermost layer got fully infected, but it was further from the center than it began.

exploding once again, the distance between the outermost layer and the center increased once more.

Forming the clones into a sphere, the clones started increasing in number faster than the Reaper worms could burrow, and explode clones.

Izuku, hiding within another ball of clones, kept duplicating to create the next wave.

Flanking around the growing ball of Reaper worms and Izuku's clones, the next wave attacked the recovering enemy bots who had tried to catch a breather.

Pulling out of his protective sphere, Izuku hid further away from both balls as they started to grow.

The wave sent to eradicate the final traces of the enemy bots succeeded, the two sides clashing, but with superior numbers, the clones broke the last bot into code, and fizzed out of existence.

Nezu, seeing this happen, manipulated the Reaper worms to attack both spheres, as Nezu thought that Izuku was still within the first sphere like all the other times.

The possibility of Izuku not being there was considered, but Nezu brushed it off as one hit would then mean his doom.

Attacking both balls, the Reaper worms started making progress as the duplications slowed down over time, finally ending with the Reaper worms exploding the last available host.

After the last host was gone, the Reaper worms slowly started to die out and turn back into blocks of code, which then deleted itself.

Salvaging one, Izuku copied the code and implemented it into his clones and himself, just in case.

'Nezu? It seems like I have won.'

Cackling a little at that remark, Nezu allowed him to pass, and appear on Nezu's desktop.

--Real World--

"So how's Izuku doing Nezu?"

"Just fine Inko. He's passing the challenges with flying colors."

Both watch the screen as Izuku plows through the preset waves of bots coming to counter the 'infection'.

As they watched, he overwhelmed the waves of bots, and experimented with Reaper worms, before getting to the final obstacle.

Taking control of the bots, and implementing an AI that has his thought process, Nezu unleashed it to control the bots and worms, fighting with Izuku.

"He's doing quite well for himself isn't he Inko?"

"Yes, but I'm worried. None of the damage here hurts him right?"

"Right. These are clones, and besides being controlled by him, do not appear to have any connection to him in a physical sense."

As the battle raged on, moves were used, schemes were realized, and tea was spilt. A lot of tea was spilt.

As the battle fizzled to an end, Izuku made his declaration, and Nezu finally allowed Izuku onto his personal laptop.

"So how was the battle digital one?"

"Quite difficult in how it was made, but once the weakness was seen, the battle was easy pickings. Also Hi mom!"

"Hello sweetie."

"Well that is the end of the first exercise today. Once you finalize the Reaper code within yours, we'll be discussing the next lesson today."

"And that lesson is?"

"Hacking governmental databases!"

Inko and Izuku promptly crashed. (One of which being literal.)

AI IzukuΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα