Developing Plans

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Sitting in the den, Izuku smiled as he worked on the box Toga had brought in. His mind drifted to her, and what being in Tartarus would be like, but the truck had left long ago, and he needed to focus. 'Hold on... lets see...' Tinkering with the code within the box, Izuku found and decrypted its signal, before tracing where it was going.

"Lets see where this ends up..." Going out of the globe sphere, following the highlighted lines through satellite relays, he soon traced it to a place, in the middle of the ocean. 

"What's it doing in the middle of the ocean?" Opening satellite imagery of that area, he saw... nothing. There was nothing there, all the way down to the ocean floor. The signal however, was beaming directly to a place right above the water. 'Maybe its a buoy. Can I check the signals going and coming from there?'

Right then, a single line beamed out from the place, heading inland. From the next area, hundreds of thousands of signals all beamed across Japan, each heading to an underground facility. Checking the contents with cameras, all that was in there was servers. Hundreds if not thousands of industrial servers, all computing one thing or another. 

Tracing each and every signal there, they all led straight back to what Izuku could only assume was the hub of everything.

"Time to get this underway."

Crackling his virtual knuckles, Izuku's clone dove into the server farms, following the information line by hijacking one of the millions of data transfer calculations. Following through the block chain, Izuku found himself at in an underground place, not too far from where Inventor lived. Maybe 100 or so kilometers out, but defiantly not an impossibly far distance. 

Running through the servers, he smiles as a near endless amount of information begins to transfer to UA's servers. Folders upon folders of information soon work their way into the UA database, but something seemed off about this area. There was no one here. Everything was running on machinery. 

Izuku couldn't see inside either. No screens, nothing. It was a complete dark zone on his radar.

Deciding to leverage some help from a very important figure, Izuku appeared on Nezu's personal computer, who was talking with a panicking Power Loader. "WHY IS S MUCH DATA ENTERING THE QUARENTIED SERVERS?! THIS SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE! ITS NOT CONNECTED TO ANY NETWORK!"

Listening to Power Loader losing his mind, Nezu simply smiled. "Why do you say that? Isn't there one network that connects to any, no matter how isolated?" Looking at Nezu incredulously, Power loader could only watch with sad eyes as Nezu sadistically turned around his laptop, revealing Izuku sitting on the screen. 

Smiling bright as if he didn't just send someone's mind around the world and into fear-town, Izuku sat on the screen in all his glory. "Hello Power Loader-san!"

"I'm quitting." Staring directly Nezu, Power Loader was ready to pack his bags and leave UA. Nezu simply slid over a small stack of bills. "Are you sure?" Power Loader sighed. "Yes I'm sure." Sliding over another small stack, Nezu smiled sadistically. "Are you absolutely sure?" Quirking an eyebrow at Power Loaders face, he sighed.

"FINE!" Storming out the office to go deal with his shit, Nezu smiled. He had left the money behind, which means its still Nezu's. Money he quickly pocketed. "Now." turning around Izuku, he looked to the green one. "What is so important that you'd hijack your isolated UA servers to send?"

Izuku beamed as he rambled off what he found. "I found an abandoned warehouse within 100km of UA was a complete dead zone, something quite normal to me within the abandoned areas. However, too much data was streaming in and out for it to a dead zone, and it had machines inside. It seemed to be hub of some sort."

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