Prelude to Disaster

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Walking off from his home, Inko next to him, he activates a new installment to keep him safe.

A constant electronic disruptor that surrounds the house in a 10m radius lights up, and only then he starts to walk out for shopping.

"What do you expect me to do? Cementoss made a whole mountain on top of my house. Not a boulder. It'll be too eye-catching, so I want to be able to disrupt any trackers."

Following along with no idea what's going on now, Inko watches as Izuku makes himself at home in the Inventors helmet, allowing him 360 degree view of the world around him.

Fanboying through the microphone as everyone hears, Izuku switches to fanboying across private channels to just Inventor, Inko, and Nezu, as they go shopping for food.

"What do you expect? I don't hunt the wildlife. They have their ecosystem. Not mine to touch."

Inventor grabs a few carrots as Nezu sits on Inkos shoulder for protection as the people around them start to eye him.

"This is so cool!"

Hearing this, not from the earpiece, Inventor realizes that Izuku spoke in public, as a dozen eyes land on Inventor.

"What was that?", "Who said that?", "What's that helmet?"

Hearing the questions start to float around, Inventor grabs a cucumber, some other vegetables, a bag of oranges, and rushes to pay for his items.

Leaving quickly, a dark zips by, hitting his helmet, and sticks there with no one noticing.

"Tracker planted. We'll see how it does."


Running back home, and entering the field, the tracker fizzes and shuts down, making it seem like he stopped moving right there.

Heading back inside and putting the helmet down, a small fire from the tracker starts, and it destroys the prototype helmet as its dumped into a hole.

"That... shouldn't have happened."

Pouring over the blueprints once more, Inventor as no idea his world is about to get much more chaotic as Izuku fades to another clone, ready to take on the challenge once again.

--Digital World--

'So Nezu said that this has 100 levels? Then let's start knocking them down.'

Cloaking as another bot came by, it's silver humanoid body stared at Izuku. The empty face seeming more creepy as golden lines accented each limb.

Walking by, depositing creeper bombs, he started to think how to be more efficient.

Blowing up the bot, he decided to start naming the bots.

The orb with a red eye in the middle, carrying a clawed hand on each side, is named "Firewall Orb", or "orb" for short.

The silver humanoid with golden streaks up and down their limbs, with neon blue orbs on their chest, hands, and feet, are called "Firewall Blinder", "Glorified lightshow", or "Blinder" for short.

Coming up with a strategy, Izuku splits into 5 groups, each with different orders.

Group 1 is to spread out as much as possible, and find any enemy groups to kill as to finish the damage threshold for the floors goal.

Group 2 is to work with group 1 to log down all enemy groupings, numbers, locations, and other such statistics.

Group 3 is to work with group 1 and 2, logging down any new enemy types that have been found, or devise attack plans to take down existing groups.

Group 4 is to work with group 3, being the actual fighters, taking down any spotted groups in algorithmic fashion, as group 3 collects information on new firewall enemies should they appear.

Group 5 is to work with all the other groups, and be the backbone. It's the group that can duplicate all the time to create back-ups to each group, but mostly expand all the time to replace any dead, dying, or infected clones.

Releasing this set-up, Izuku started to learn about all the deployable formations that could be used to take out kinds of grouped enemies, and the eventual sufficient culling as to pass up to the next floor.

The issue was that the divisions couldn't join Izuku, so he had to destroy all of them, and turn the back into code.

The second issue is that as soon as Izuku got into the second lair, a new firewall attacked him.

This time, it was a literal ball of fire that would blow out flamethrowers and jets of plasma, while constantly exploding. 

Using cloned to try and figure out how to defeat it, the newly named "Fireball" eventually burned itself out lighting Izuku clones on fire, and fizzled out enough for the clones to then snuff it out.

'Welp. Seems like they're based on a timer, or how much flame they use. Do any of these take damage from electricity though? Nezu only added electric resistance after I relied on it too much for his firewall.'

Sending out the 5 groups again, and searching around, the blinding and orb don't take any damage from electricity, but the fireball did.

'Guess Nezu didn't think I'd try, or intentionally lets me use it against the fireball because it's burnout based.'

Shrugging, he continues his thought. 'I guess the latter because they are too much trouble otherwise? Ah well. I'll leave it.'

Passing the threshold once more to pass on, he comes out, happier with what he's learned, as he was able to control his clones better than ever before compared to before the now dubbed "Tower of Challenge".

--Real World--

"So boss. I tracked him, and he's been stuck there since 3 hours now. Not a single movement."

"You sure? Target Priority 10 isn't an easy one to catch."

"It's been 3 hours and that's just the last signal sent, so EMP probably."

"Search a 100m radius into the forest from that point. Don't leave a single stone unturned."

"Boss you might want to see this."


Being stuck in a data state, the clone tries to free itself.

"It was in the targets gear since we copied all the code it had."

"So the target has made AI? Or is that a technopath?"

"Record say a technopath who lost their physical body."

"Well then. Seems like the original will be some use. Pinpoint where the main body is."




"And where is it?"

"Nowhere, but at the same time, everywhere sir."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"This isn't a regular technopath. This could be the best user yet."

"Make this mystery technopath the number 1 priority. I want to see everything else dropped at every chance to catch this person."

"Understood. What about the clone?"

"Destroy it. No use anymore."


Adding the last of the dozen motors to his prototype, he watches as it comes to life, as it flies up in the air.

Checking all the readings through the cable, he sees a small issue, and shuts down the prototype to continue tweaking it. Power Loader, who came by to help, sits by as the sound of welding, cursing, and smallpops cut through the silence.

"You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it."

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