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This was most certainly the first time someone from UA was reaching out to him through his work phone for non-work reasons. Aizawa hummed, seeing as he had arrived at the apartment complex. Now he just needed to get to the right floor and the right door.

It wasn't terribly late, but late enough that he had to go out of his way to make sure someone was around to watch Eri. She was asleep, it being long after her bedtime, but still... he most certainly couldn't leave children alone. His own class was case and point.

So, a call to Midnight who was on campus night guard duty tonight. She technically only needs to be on campus and have access to the tablet that lets her view the security cameras. No one was entering UA at night and they were most certainly not going to let any students sneak out either.

So with Midnight happily sitting on the couch in the little dorm Eri was housed in, Aizawa headed out. Campus was quiet, the only noises came from passing by the student dorms, hearing muffled music of those who were still up past ten in the evening, which was more than likely the majority of the student body.

The noises of the world only got louder as he ventured away from campus. Cars soon were on the street, a few chatty people walking past him, and gentle music of some shops that were still open. The world outside UA certainly was a lot more noisy, but it felt peaceful at least.

That sense of peace continued all the way on his journey to the address his co-worker sent him. But now he was here and could instantly sense that his sense of peace might fade as soon as this door opened. Even so, Aizawa knocked.

You were a co-worker of his, a fellow pro-hero, someone Eri adored, and someone he also cared about. If you reached out to him with a need to vent, seek advice, or anything else- he'd do his best to support you.

He waited a moment and then the door opened. Your face met his and he felt his lips move into a deep frown when he saw your appearance. When he last saw you, you were smiling, laughing, and cooing over Eri as if you were her affectionate mother or older sister. But now, you looked a lot worse for wear.

Your hero attire was still on, but it was disheveled and not on correctly at certain areas. Your hair was no longer neat and professional, but rather looked rather messy. If he wanted to be cruel, he'd say your hair looked as if some animal had decided to try and make a nest in your hair from how it twisted and tangled. Your face had a deep frown, eyes dull, and cheeks smeared with red lines from where tears no doubt had been falling constantly.

Your eyes fell and bit your lip. He could immediately tell you felt back for asking him here, but Aizawa could care less. Student. Child. Civilian. Co-Worker. It didn't matter. If he could do something to help, he would.

"Sorry. I know it's late." You told him and moved aside so the man could enter.

"It's fine. I wasn't working a patrol tonight, but it doesn't mean I was planning to sleep." Aizawa told you and walked in.

The apartment was definitely very you. It had a lot of books, a gentle color scheme of pastel blue, cream and light beige. A few photos were around, but it was clear they were lacking compared to the amount of textbooks on the latest therapy techniques and psychological developments. From a glance, Aizawa saw you had the DS-5, an American taxonomic book that listed all the latest information about mental disorders and recognized them. That wasn't the only foreign mental health taxonomy book you had though, it looked like you had at least a dozen others from various countries around the world: Japan, UK, Germany, Australia, etc.

It was clear you took pride in doing your job to the best of your ability and made sure to know all you could to properly help the students who needed you when they were sent to a counseling session. But, the face you wore right now didn't show it. The face you wore right now looked to be teetering the line between a full mental breakdown or passing out from the stressful turmoil inside of your head.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now