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"Found another one!!"

You walked over, walking carefully to avoid slipping. The sky had dumped snow last night, and thus, you were out looking for any dangerous patches of ice around campus. You were dressed to the nines in snow gear, as were most of the students who dared venture out on this cold Sunday afternoon.

You had thought you'd be marking and labeling patches of ice around campus yourself, but it seemed that you had a rather adorable guest joining you today on your little task. Eri too was dressed up in snow gear, hers much cuter than yours of course.

She looked to also be treating this task as a game. A scavenger hunt maybe? You didn't know but were glad that she was not only keeping you company but also having fun while on such a long and boring task.

But it was almost done now! You just had to go along towards the front of the school! Usually, that area had the least amount of patches of ice, as the students always walked and thus melted the snow there. But since the dorms were new and students were not coming and going daily... it meant that some patches of ice had come up and were risking student safety.

So, you and Eri made your way there. You watched as she eagerly, but carefully, walked around and pointed out slick patches. You'd take out cation tape and a few stakes and would block off the area. Once done, you'd move along to the next area Eri had found and would do the same. This process would no doubt continue until all the possible areas of ice were found and marked off accordingly.

You hummed, sticking the last of the stakes on and letting Eri put up the caution tape this time. You reached for the tape to tie it, but she shook her head at you.

"I can do it!" She proudly declared.

You watched as she tied the tape together. A little loose, but still enough to hold up. When she was done, she looked at you nervously. When you smiled and shook your head in approval, Eri beamed and looked rather proud of herself for being able to properly tie something.

"And who taught you how to tie knots?" You asked her, having a feeling who it was.

"Deku-kun! His shoes have laces and he always ties his own shoes and mine! I wanted to tie his shoes but didn't know how... so he taught me!" Eri told you eagerly, nearly jumping but looking to remember that there was snow and ice around.

"You did great!" You told her and saw her big ruby eyes glimmer.

"Yay!" Eri cheered and you moved towards her.

"How about we get some cookies and hot cocoa for all our hard work? And to warm up!" You asked her and Eri nodded at you.

You reached out for her to put your hand into her own and Eri reached forward to do so with a smile. Only for Eri to frown when you didn't squeeze her hand like usual and that the smile on your face dropped. She looked at you and saw how panic was entering your features. No doubt from having come from the voice that had just called out to you before.


You inhaled and looked behind you. To your shock, your entire family was approaching you. You didn't know how they got into UA's grounds, but they had. You inhaled and gently moved Eri behind you. The last thing you needed was her getting stuck in the crosshairs of whatever was about to happen between your family and you.

"How did you get in?" You asked as they stopped before you. "UA requires a student, staff, or guest pass to enter."

"A student at the front let us in." Your older brother replied.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now