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"We'll follow your lead, Eri-chan." You told the little white-haired girl.

Eri nodded eagerly and put on a serious face. Or at least the most serious-looking face a six-year-old could. She held the map to the zoo in her hands and looked at the various images of animals and where they were located. Aizawa had circled where the three of them were and Eri was looking to see what would be the best way to go so she could see the most, if not all the animals that were here.

As she decided where the start, you glanced over to Aizawa. This was the first time you had seen him in casual wear. He was always in his hero attire at UA... or buried in that sleeping bag of his. So seeing him in a simple cozy-looking winter jacket and black jeans was quite the sight to see. He had even pulled his messy hair together a bit more to not make it look like he literally just rolled out of his sleeping bag.

It made your heart buzz a little bit, thinking about how he seemed to be anticipating today from how he was dressed. It wasn't like you couldn't say the same though. You too had picked out a warm and comfortable winter outfit, but still was nice and showed you too were excited for today.

Eri was dressed as adorably as always and had no doubt gotten her hair done by one of the older girls this morning from how her long white hair was done up in a very elegant waterfall braid. The thought of Eri having so many 'siblings' looking out for her made your heart warm.

"Can we see the bunnies first?" Eri asked and you nodded.

"We sure can." You told her. "The petting zoo is indoors because its so cold, so think you can lead the way for us, Eri?"

She nodded eagerly and took off to where the map said the indoor petting zoo was. Eri luckily didn't run and so you three all walked at an easy pace. Aizawa was next to you and you turned to start a small conversation with him as you all continued your guided stroll.

"Glad the weather held up today." You told him, looking at the clear blue skies. "I was nervous with all the snow that came down yesterday."

"It's a good thing it stopped. Eri's been talking all week about today. It would have been bad if she got disappointed."

"It would have! But it didn't and now we can let her pet those bunnies!" You beamed at Aizawa.

He smirked. "Something tells me you are excited to see the rabbits as well."

You chuckled. "I've always had a soft spot for soft and small animals."

Aizawa chuckled and looked forward. Eri had dashed towards a door and was pointing to it. You both understood that this must be the petting zoo and the sign on the door confirmed it. So, in you three went. The place looked fairly empty, which meant Eri wouldn't have to wait for long to pet the animals she wanted to.

"Bunnies?" You asked her and Eri nodded eagerly.

You took her hand and led her to an employee who was helping another little kid hold onto a rabbit properly. Eri waited patiently and then inhaled sharply in excitement as a white rabbit was placed into her arms. You crouched next to her and made sure both she and the creature were safe. Aizawa watched a little ways away, snapping a few photos, no doubt told to do so by a few students and members of staff.

"The bunny is white and red like me!" Eri told you and you nodded.
Sure enough, aside from its red fur, the rabbit had deep ruby eyes as well. The fluffy creatures sniffled at Eri gently and it made the girl giggle. You watched her with a smile, glad to see she was already enjoying herself so much. Thus that left you unaware that Aizawa was watching you interact with Eri, glad to see the pair of you both so happy.

"I'm going to tell Deku-kun I met a bunny that looks like me when we get back!" She announced to you and Aizawa as you three left about thirty minutes later.

Eri had held or pet all the animals she could, but it was clear that the rabbits were her favorite. She would no doubt be getting a rabbit plush from you before you left today. You wanted her to have a memento from today and also have a 'bunny' of her own.

"So where to next, Eri-chan?" You asked her and the little girl thought for a moment.

"Ah! I want to see the elephants!" Eri announced and she grabbed both your and Aizawa's hands in one of her own respectively.

She started to run as if she would miss the elephants if you all didn't hurry. Aizawa managed to get her to walk, but that excitement she had was still very present. That gleam of joy in her eyes soon spread to you and Aizawa couldn't help but internally chuckle at how the zoo could make you both so happy.

But... he was happy too. So, he couldn't say much since that would make him a hypocrite.

From there the day seemed to go by so quickly. One moment you were watching as Eri was beaming overseeing a giraffe and the next you were helping her decide what she wanted to get for lunch from the zoo cafe.

Eri had asked for you to stay at the table with her and so Aizawa went to get all the food. Eri and you played a rousing game of 'I-Spy' while you both waited for Aizawa to return. Eri took to the game quickly but quickly forgot they were playing when Aizawa came back into view.

The three of you were about to dig into your food when suddenly a soft melody started to play. You blinked and pulled out your phone from your purse. You sighed when you saw the caller ID and looked at Eri and Aizawa with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry." You told the pair and got up from the table. "I need to take this really quick. Go ahead and start eating already though! Don't feel like you need to wait for me."

Eri nodded and Aizawa as well. You stepped away and sighed as you saw that you had indeed not imagined who was calling you. You didn't know what she wanted, but you just had to hope that your sister would keep this short so you could get back to the people who cared for you and didn't judge and rudely point out what they assumed to be flaws or weaknesses in you.

"Hello?" You spoke and immediately had to pull your phone away from your ear.

"(First Name)-nee-chan! Where are you?!" Fumiko screamed at you right off the bat.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm out right now."

"Out?! What do you mean out?!" Her voice was getting angrier and angrier. "Why are you not here? Mom and Dad invited us all for a family dinner and you are part of thei family whether you like it or not!"

"I had already made plans when they called two days ago. So they told me to pick what was more important to me." Your voice raised slightly. "So you should know what's more important to me, Fumiko."

You were done. After years of being the punching bag for your family and the scapegoat for all their personal bullshit... you were not going to stand for it anymore. Aizawa and Eri had shown you what a true family did and acted like. Even if Eri was not your daughter and you and Aizawa's relationship was still widely unknown and up in the air... they both had shown you more love and respect than your parents or siblings had in almost three decades.

"Are you serious, (First Name)-nee-chan?! Oh... I am so telling Dad this! He's going to be so mad for the amount of disrespect you are showing him and Mom and Daiichi-nii-chan and me!" Fumiko raged on further. "I cancelled a shoot and Nii-chan took the day off! So I don't understand what you couldn't get out of for being some low leveled unrecognizable hero or a low waged teacher who deals with pests all day long! Your career is the least important and least time consuming of the three of us! So get your ass over-"

"No!" You yelled back suddenly and Fumiko's voice died. "I am so sick of this! I'm sick of you and everyone else who thinks they deserve to be called my family! I'm done trying to appeal to you all and forcing myself to fall into episodes of depression because of what you all think is appropriate to tell me!"

"Ugh. Not this pretend mental issues again? Really Nee-chan?"

"That is exactly it!" You yelled back. "When you first started out... who helped get you out of that eating disorder that was threatening your life, huh? Mom and Dad didn't. They said a model needed to be as skinny as possible! Daiichi didn't either! He said that there were worst illnesses and that you would come to realize the harm down to you."

Your breath staggered for a moment as the anger flushed up and your quirk activated. All these feelings were held back for so long... that they were going to explode right here and now.

"I didn't though! I saw you were in trouble! Why? Because I too was dealing with something our family believed was a 'fake' illness. If I hadn't... you would be dead! You passed out and had to be on an IV for a week! I got you into rehab! I got the media off your back! I made sure you still had a career and told your employers you were taking a mental health break!"

"So tell me, Fumiko?! Why did your fucking shallow modeling agencny let you take a mental health break if it doesn't actually exist? Why did I care so much? Why didn't anyone else? You can keep sucking up to Dad all you want to try and get him to show you that love you are so desperate for... but I'm done. I've found people who treat me right and I am going back to enjoying my day with them."

"(F-First Name)-nee-chan-"

"Don't call me again and don't have anyone else. If you do... I'm blocking you." You scuffed. "Something I should have done a long time ago... but didn't because you all are family. Blood may be thicker than water... but it blinds you more than water ever could. Now goodbye and have fun trying to earn the love that should be given to you unconditionally."

With that, you ended the call and turned your phone off. If anyone needed to reach you work-wise... they knew you were with Aizawa. But you were not going to let any of them ruin today. You were not going to let any of them ruin this little bit of happiness you had found and cherished.

You looked up to the clear winter sky and inhaled. The chilled air-cooled your temper and your quirk calmed down. Your calm demeanor returned and you looked back towards where Eri and Aizawa were waiting to finish their meal with you. They didn't seem to have heard or seen your little spat with your sister, and you were not going to bring it up.

You had been truthful when you told your sister you had picked what was more important to you. Who was more important to you. With a final exhale, you made your way back over to Aizawa and Eri- ready to continue to smile and laugh among them as your wonderful adventure to the zoo continued on without a bump or roadblock any longer.

Nor would you allow any to block you from your happiness any longer either.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now