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Things had been good.

You honestly couldn't believe it. You really had assumed that your mood from that night three days ago would have hung over you. But something about Aizawa's words had strangely resonated with you. The idea of family being beyond blood was always something you knew could happen, but you had never felt like that yourself.

Growing up, thanks in part to your quirk's ability to increase emotions, many of your peers steered clear of you. Either because they didn't want to deal with the walking emotional disaster that was your teenage self, or that they didn't want you turning them into just as bad of a mess. So, it was usually just you.

But for all the lonely lunches, weekends spent without any friends, and general emptiness that came when you'd witness others making plans together, laughing together, or even simply showing genuine friendship... you worked on your dream.

If you had free time then you had time to train your quirk. Your middle school days were filled with your lack of companionship being used to make yourself stronger. To become a hero. But first... you had to be good enough to get into a hero school. So for three years you shoved your loneliness down and worked on yourself and your quirk. You studied like a madwoman and constantly compared UA and SA if you somehow got into both prestigious hero schools.

It was still one of the greatest moments of your life when you received not only an acceptance letter from UA but also SA. You went back and forth constantly... but when it came down to it- only one school was known more as the true 'Best Hero Academy' in Japan. So... you became a UA student.

Not much changed at first, but as you got stronger and found your way in those three amazing, wonderful, fun years... you had found out what having friends did to your mood. You only wished those days would have never ended. But... that wasn't to say you didn't adore right now either.

They may be either a co-worker, student, or cute little albino girl... but you adored everyone you met at UA. Both back then and now. Though currently, you seem to be enjoying your adult life just a tiny bit more. Helping students find their way was one of the greatest joys you experienced. But today... that joy would come from an excited little girl who eagerly bounced up and down when she spied you walking out of the crowd.

"(Last Name)-sensei made it!" Eri was ecstatic and eagerly tugged on Aizawa's hand.

"I can see that," Aizawa spoke gently and let go of Eri's hand clasped his own.

The dark-haired man watched with a soft expression as Eri took off to you. You crouched down and opened your arms to the little girl. Eri happily threw herself into your embrace and you lovingly squeezed her. Eri giggled as you stood up with her still in your arms and twirled the both of you around.

"I'm so excited!" You told Eri when the world stopped spinning for you both. "It's been so long since I've been to an aquarium!"

"I've never been before!!" Eri was so eager that she was near shouting.

It made you smile brightly. The nervous little girl who at one point couldn't smile. If you tried to tell a random person who was observing you and Eri that.... They surely would think you were fibbing. Eri was as any little six-year-old should be: happy and smiling.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" You asked her excitedly and looked towards Aizawa. "Hello to you as well, Aizawa!"

"Good to see you." Aizawa looked towards Eri. "She was hoping you'd hold her hand when and if we saw anything scary."

You nodded. "I don't mind at all! In fact, you can hold my time whenever you want Eri! Not just when there might be a scary animal."

Eri nodded and motioned for you to let her down and out of your arms. You did so and she looked between you and Aizawa. A frown on her features until suddenly her ruby eyes grew big and she grabbed your hand in her right hand and Aizawa's hand in your left hand.

Passing Euphoria (Aizawa Shouta x Reader) (Commissioned Series)Where stories live. Discover now