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The following weeks went by in a flash. Winter grew closer and the students seemed to be wearing their winter uniforms more and more. No snow had yet to fall, but you had a feeling it would very soon. The days grew shorter and the skies became cloudy and dark. One day soon, you were sure you'd wake up to see the streets and buildings covered in snow. You only hoped that when it did snow, it wouldn't mess up with the trains too badly.

The students were lucky enough to live on campus... however, you still had a commute you had to make every day... twice.

But until the snow started to come down, your only focus and worries were on your students once more. It seemed that nothing too stressful had occurred for the vast majority of them, aside from a few Support and Hero Course students who had somehow been convinced to test out Hatsume Mei's newest 'babies'. You had reassured the traumatized teens that you'd speak to Power Loader and by the end of the week... Hatsume was not allowed to build or test her inventions on others unless a teacher or approved third-year Support student was watching her.

The poor girl was shocked by a rule placed on her and her alone, but it seemed that she understood it at least. Maybe this will at least start to convince her to not use people as guinea pigs, no matter how wonderful the invention. The pink-haired girl had talent and drive... but at times, you worried her concern for others was lacking. You prayed to whatever deity that would listen for the rest of the year to go without another episode of 'human experiments' thanks to the Support Course. There was always one every year... Hatsume Mei... was this year's case.

Aside from the invention-obsessed teen, your other students didn't suffer any major bumps or problems. A few had come in because they were already stressing about exams and you had to help them set up study times and make sure they'd actually follow them by also assigning a tutor they'd need to show up to when their lessons started.

Those were the highlights of your last few weeks. A few cases of feeling guilty for accidentally hurting a friend in training, as most Hero students hated hurting their classmates, but after the usual pep talk from you, they were off and ready to train harder and make sure the person they harmed knew how sorry they were. Nine out of ten times, the teen who got hurt... would accept the apology right away and demand a friendly rematch the next time they had training.

To live as a teen again.

You blinked as your mind really thought about that statement. After a moment, you knew you preferred to live as an adult. Gods... if you became a teen again you had no idea if you'd be able to get through it again. Once was enough, because you knew how hard being a teenager was. And while being adult had challenges of its own... at least you were no longer experiencing all the side effects of puberty on top of that.

Yes. You much preferred being an adult the longer you thought about it.

You didn't get the chance to further consider the trials of adulthood due to a knock coming from the door.

"Come in." You called out, curious who was here.

You had finished all your classes and all the students should either be leaving or heading to their after-school activities. The door opened and you got your answer quickly when a small child ran into your office towards you with a bounce in her steps.

"(Last Name)-sensei!" Eri was excited. "I came to see you! I want to show you something cool!"

"Oh! I want to see than!" You nodded eagerly at her and then looked towards the door.

Midoriya was slowly closing it and then met your eyes. The teen stiffened for a moment before he smiled and walked towards where you and Eri were. He bowed politely and saw Eri digging through her little backpack. Her excitement also brought a smile to the older boy's face. It seemed he had really taken up the role of a brother to her. You were glad. Midoriya was one of the sweetest people you ever had the pleasure of talking with, so you knew Eri would always be in good hands with him.

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