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After our intense conversation by the cliff, Iris requested that I drive her back to Poblacion. I did an excellent job of establishing a connection with her. However, when I offered to drop her off directly at her house, she hesitated. Eventually, I left her by the archway, and she opted to walk the rest of the way.

Although I failed to achieve my goal today, it's okay because I learned something valuable. I finally discovered the answer to the question troubling me about the meaning of 'love.' I understand why the movies and TV shows I watched seemed confusing. It's not just about actions; it's also about what's inside that counts.

After Iris was out of sight, I decided to take a stroll. I still wasn't in the mood to return to the house, where I knew there would be stupid questions and Okron would continue to annoy me. So, I turned off all my communication devices and decided to run away as far as the car would take me.

I suddenly found myself in a location where the moon was more precise and brighter, surrounded by countless stars. I had reached the beachfront, and the sea was a sight at night. The darkness that shone brilliantly in the moonlight had replaced the water's once-blue hue. A light breeze accompanied the unique and soothing sound of the waves.

I had never felt so relaxed before in my life. As I took deep breaths of the salty air, I considered staying here for a while. Even in the dark, the Earth was still a beautiful sight. I walked towards a row of coconut trees, feeling the soft sand under my shoes.

But then I stopped. Something felt off, and I suddenly thought that I wasn't alone. The only sound I could hear was the waves crashing against the shore, but my instincts told me someone was following me. As I continued walking, I heard heavy footsteps and realized my instincts were right. Someone was following me.

I lifted my left hand and prepared myself to tap my right arm at any moment. When I turned my head, I couldn't see anyone behind me. But as I glanced back, a hard blow to my body surprised me. I hurled myself into the air and landed, rolling on the seawater. I groaned in pain as I sat up quickly, wondering who had attacked me. Despite feeling worried about myself, I regained my balance and stood up, turning my gaze around. Three human silhouettes emerged from the dark portion of the coast and started walking towards me. I wondered who they were and if they were the ones who attacked me. If so, they were strong enough to be humans, and for the first time, I felt scared.

The three human silhouettes stopped while another emerged, walking in my direction. I tapped my arms quickly, and they glowed, casting light on the approaching figure. I was caught off guard when I saw that it wasn't human; it was more like a monster. Fear crept inside my body as my eyes widened. Its skin was scaly and looked shiny when the light touched it from different angles. A tail swayed behind the body that touched the sand. The overall suit was high-tech, covering its massive, muscular frame. I was confused about my situation now. What kind of creature was this?

My heart pounded as the creature charged at me for no apparent reason. I swallowed hard and reminded myself of my training. The beast let out a roar, revealing its wide mouth, and bolted towards me. Without hesitation, I leaped high, executing a perfect backward somersault. I was curious about its gender but couldn't tell from its overall suit. It was clear that this creature was an alien, but I didn't recognize its race.

As I landed in the sand, one knee kneeling, I saw three human figures in the distance transform into creatures similar to the one that charged at me. They, too, were aliens, but of an unknown race. The transformation was impressive, and I felt a mix of dilemma, confusion, and anxiety. All four creatures were now heading towards me.

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