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After visiting Hector, I returned to the station and saw him one last time. I might stay here for a while.

The three leaders told me they planned to put everything back in Poblacion. In the meantime, they encased the whole community in a temporary barrier. They left the townspeople, including Albert and the rest of my family, untouched. And some of the alien forces volunteered to guard it. The whole vicinity of the town was still under thick white fog, and the Alien Convention forces decided not to put it off.

Some of the members were leaving the station, including Marinagua and Chamie. They bid their goodbyes and went back to their duties. The three leaders were the only ones who chose to stay, along with some of the officials and police forces.

The briefing took time, and they kept me there. Every moment of my stay at the station gave me more dilemmas. How will they restore Poblacion in just a matter of time? Looking at the sky, I could still see a spaceship roaming around. They told me it carried technology that helps the restoration process.

Every moment of my stay at the station, I still think of Hector leaving me to return to his home world. I could not believe I missed him so much. I hope we see each other again in the future. I learned so much from him about the courage he had shown me during the battle. He inspired me, and I will apply what he taught me when I return to my former life. And even the heroic actions of the Alien Convention force. They had proven to me their true intention of protecting us humans. And from now on, as a human being, I will be kind to everyone.

"Iris," a voice says, calling my name.

That interrupted my daydreaming. I glanced behind my back and saw Eke standing in the doorway. I was inside an igloo-shaped tent, and the interior was all white. I sat on a single bed with a few white pieces of furniture around me. The place was comfortable, in all fairness, because I had a good sleep last night.

Eke turned his back when I looked at him and walked away. "Follow me," He says. "We will tell you something," and he exits the tent.

What is it? I asked myself curiously. I left the bed and hastened my steps to follow him. I ended up in a much bigger tent in the middle of the station. When I went inside, the dominant color of the interior was white. A conference table with the letter "C" caught my attention. It looked entirely made of glass because everything reflected on it, including the chairs with tall backrests.

I see Ezeros and Gaeia sitting on both ends. Twelve officers from different alien races were with them. Eke points his blue-skinned finger to the chair in the middle. I went there and sat there without saying any words. All eyes were on me now and quiet, too, so I felt awkward.

Gaeia rose from her seat and approached me. "Iris," Gaeia said inside my head. She looked like a porcelain doll coming to life. All the aliens inside here could hear her, too, because they were looking at her now. "We decided to send back your community one year ago to restore it properly."

"What did you mean?" I asked her, confused.

"Time travel, Iris. We will reverse the time and put your community back where it was last year, including you." My eyes grow big, and my jaw drops from wonder. They can do that.

"Fear not, Iris; nothing will happen to you," Eke said. "But you will have a double memory. You can still remember what happened a night ago even though you time-traveled back."

Double memory? Which makes things more confusing. But I nodded in agreement since Eke told me there was nothing to worry about. I might not get it, but I have faith in their ability. I agree for the sake of Albert and the people I love and care about.

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