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We arrived at the house, and chaos greeted us all around. Pieces of furniture tumbled, and shattered glass covered the living room floor like a storm had hit it a while ago.

We paced forward to the main door, alert for whoever might pop out in front of us. Captain Okron and Mamir still held the weapons they had salvaged from the Alpha-Draconians a while ago. We exchanged glances while checking our surroundings, and no one was talking.

We froze when we heard the clanking of metal from the kitchen. We made signals through gestures on our faces. Captain Okron, Mamir, and I responded first while Avara and Sok hid on the verandah. We sneaked slowly, then popped into the kitchen while pointing our weapons at a lurking enemy, only to discover who surprised us.

"Alert! Intruder!" I took a deep sigh of relief and lowered my weapon. Droid Butler was lying on the kitchen floor with a disconnected head. Kitchen utensils and cooking wares were all scattered beside him. We realized the alien monsters had already left.

The house was clear, and we had no idea what business they had here. We all gathered in the living room. Captain Okron ordered us to survey the whole house and check for what was missing. Then, I sneaked an opportunity to talk to Alta through a 3D hologram.

"Like what you said, Erier. I didn't go down here before you left," Alta said. "I never abandoned Ieverin."

"We will go there, Alta," Captain Okron cut in.

Avara and Mamir came out of the basement. "The enemies didn't notice our teleporter. We're still safe. We can go up now," Avara said.

Captain Okron faced us. "You all did a great job," he said, glancing at me. "And you, Erier. You saved us. We owe you our lives."

"I'm sorry, Captain," I answered. My hatred for him faded after all the things that happened to us. "Forgive me for Captain Zegyr."

He put his left hand on top of my shoulder. "He died a hero. Let us surpass the courage he sacrificed for us. Let us join those aliens and fight. Let's avenge Captain,"

My fist balled, and deep inside me, I vowed to finish Crey by myself as vengeance on Captain Zegyr.

"Captain!" Sok caught our attention. He came running towards us out of nowhere. "The transmission is missing,"

We all glanced at each other as our faces shifted into worrisome looks. It was the transmission they were after. Then it answered my question. How the hell did they know we hid it here in the first place?

"They will discover the navigational pattern soon. The way to Xyleveria," Avara said. "Our planet will be in grave danger, Captain!"

Captain Okron became agitated. "Those sh*ts will return with our transmission, and we must get there as soon as possible."

A voice popped out, and when we all turned our gaze toward it, it was Droid. He approached us while his head hung from a cable. "They were not far yet!" Droid Butler spoke repeatedly. The chest part of his body was glowing, and a 3D hologram beamed out from it. "I set up a tracking device on their vehicle."

We all glanced at each other again and nodded our heads. We already knew the first step. We all bolted down to the basement and teleported back to Ieverin.

We started preparing for the battle we were up against. There is still a lot of extra armor stored for times like this. We will also use the mecha robot. They asked me about one of our missing airships in the storage room, which I used when I rescued Iris a while ago. I told the Captain the truth about the vehicle's demise and was surprised he was not upset.

A Past with an AlienDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora