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In the turn of events, my team ended up safe and still had the strength to escape. They still had pieces of armor left on their arms and legs, but it would never be helpful anymore. And I had no choice but to battle these monsters alone.

We ran out of the basement while the alarm rang nonstop, and every light in the building turned red. I could hear voices and heavy footsteps coming toward us. It was the other group of Alpha-Draconians, the weaker ones. The stronger ones were still out there. Since the alarm alerted all the monsters, they had probably already heard it, and now they were all coming here. I must help the team leave this building before the strong group arrives. I don't know how to do it, but for now, we have to find a way out of here first.

Captain Okron and the rest of the team followed me as if they still had a hangover. They moved like robots and didn't know what to do. I was the only one who exchanged laser beams with the approaching monsters. These monsters may have been weak, but they had weapons and knew how to use them. I had already shot some of them, and the good thing was that one shot was enough to kill them. I wanted to take my team to the main door, but the stronger ones might catch us. There was no other way to take them back to where I first entered, through the casement window in the back of the building. I learned that they had locked the fire exit door.

"That was our only way out, Captain," I said, pointing to the open windows. They all nodded and rushed closer to them."

I kept shooting at the weak Alpha-Draconians while the team went to the window individually and exited. I activated my force field to shield them against stray laser beams. How the hell were such feeble monsters so proficient with weapons? When I noticed the team had already left, I retreated and jumped out of the window. I ran away and headed to the woods.

"We're here, Erier," I heard Mamir say. I saw the team hiding in the bamboo shrub forest. I ran near them."

"Where are we?" Avara asked me, and she was back to her senses now.

"We're here at Iris Community," I answered while peeking at the building from afar. "She was our human subject, but they took her and held her hostage."

Captain Okron asked me. "Do you know the way out of here?"

I took a deep breath. That's the problem now. "The whole community had a barrier. We're locked in here."

Captain Okron punched the ground in a fit of anger.

"And the biggest problem," I added, "is that these monsters were all heading to the house." They all glanced at me.

"The teleporter to the Ieverin is there," Sok exclaimed.

"I can't talk to Alta. There was interference in our communication," Avara said.

"Alta is in danger," she added, her voice filled with concern.

A beam of light suddenly came out in our direction, catching our attention. "Let's all split up," echoed the voice of an Alpha-Draconian.

We all exchanged glances in silence and scampered away. The good thing was that the surroundings were dark, so they could never notice or know where we were. We were all avoiding the beams of light from their weapons scattered everywhere.

"Wait! Stop," I said to the team. They all followed, and all eyes were on me. "This is a dead-end. Look, there is a barrier now."

"Where was the main source of this?" asked Captain Okron.

"Up there, Captain," Mamir said. His fingers were pointing up at the sky."

We all looked at the sky and saw a giant silhouette of their mothership hidden behind a low cloud. My eyes shifted in the direction of the highway. Outside the barrier, I saw blinking yellow lights. I paced forward and concealed myself in the tall bushes on the dark side of the road.

A Past with an AlienWhere stories live. Discover now