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It was nine o'clock when we decided to go home. Miranda looked so wasted that we had no choice but to carry her back home. I felt sorry for my best friend. We couldn't do anything to make her feel better. She was devastated and kept crying after that incident.

Speaking of Hector, he disappeared from nowhere without even saying goodbye, which he always does. There was something weird about that guy. A while ago, I gave my full attention only to him and studied every move he made. I noticed it wasn't normal at all. When he left us, that was the only time I felt at ease.

We all parted ways after we took Mira home because she lives near the plaza. I chose to walk because it was still early at night, and I could see some people passing by, so it wouldn't be a problem for my safety. I knew this place well and was confident nothing terrible would happen. Even as a teenager, I used to walk this street alone every time I went home late. I cannot deny that I have been such an outgoing person ever since. Besides, the streetlights were on and would guide me back home.

While I walked, I thought of the bad things that had happened throughout the day. Melvin, Mira, and I were under a lot of stress. Added to that was Hector, who acted like he came from another world. I knew he was sane, but his actions were not quite right. Was he courting me too? I didn't want to assume. Where did he live? He appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and it had been some time since I had seen his hot car. I shook my head and chuckled. I remember when he always did that finger-heart gesture. It was cute, yet crazy.

The lights from the post suddenly flickered, making me stop walking, only to realize that the street had turned quiet. No one was around, yet I could hear heavy footsteps coming closer. I glanced behind my back, but I didn't see anyone. Then fear crept over my body, so I strode much faster. I walked to the middle of the road since no jeepneys or tricycles had passed. One more intersection, and I'm a few meters from our home.

I heard the footsteps again, and there were many of them this time. I looked around again, but I couldn't see anyone behind me. I had no choice but to run. When I saw the roof of our house from afar, I bolted faster. I'm wearing pants today; it helps me run much more quickly.

But a black SUV popped out of nowhere and blocked my way. I stopped with alertness and changed my direction. But someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. I struggled, but two sinewy arms locked my body and carried me like a piece of toy. My feet couldn't touch the ground anymore. I couldn't even see the face of the person who did it, yet I could feel he was muscular. If only I could call for help, I couldn't scream either. The light from the street post went off, sinking into my realization that I was having the worst day of my life.

The right door of the SUV swung open, and my eyes grew wide with horror. Three men were waiting inside. The first thing I noticed was the thick stubble on their chins and their buff bodies. I am right. They pushed me so hard to get into the van that my flat shoes fell from my feet. The muscular individual carried me as if I were weightless before tossing me onto the seat. They cornered me, and due to my extreme terror, I passed out. The last thing I heard was the click of the closing door and the engine starting.


I woke up to a foul odor surrounding me. When I opened my eyes, I was still inside the van with a group of men who looked like goons from an action movie. I wished that everything that had happened was just a segment of a dream, but no matter how many times I tried to close and open my eyes, it wasn't. There was no light inside the SUV, and they didn't even bother to use an air freshener. The scent brought me back to my senses, and I screamed while bursting into tears.

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