Just a classmate 5.2

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Harry's POV

It had been 8 days, 4 hours since I last spoke to Y/N. Every time I tried to even say hi or to apologise, she would ignore me and walk to her new guy friends. There were 2 of them and from what I saw, they both liked her.

We currently had just entered the music class, which was hers and my favourite class. This was a perfect opportunity for me to speak to her where she can't run off to Callum and Nathan.

I sat down in my usual seat which was next to Y/N. She gave me a glance as I returned with a smile but all she did was roll her eyes at me.

"Finally!" Mr Gladstone cheered like he did everytime we had him. "I've been waiting for this lesson for a while now. I just had the 8th graders; they were a terror." That sent everyone laughing as usual. He always did things that made us laugh.

"Okay, so in 3 weeks is our big performance. I'm going to partner you up according to who I think works best.
Lucas and George, Shayne and Faith, Lisa and Marcus, Zoe and Zoe, Harry and Amanda and Y/N and-" he paused, flicking his eyes back and forth between the two of us.

Please put me with Y/N.

"Actually, Harry and Y/N and then Amanda with Ashton. Great, so now pick a spot in this huge room and pick up your task from the floor. Lets get going peasants!"

We chose a spot with a beanbag and a small floor table.

"So, what are we writing the song about." I asked hoping to atleast get an answer.

"Hm." She finally said looking me dead in the eye. "Rejection, hatred, dishonesty. You know, the things I'm sure we would both understand." She spat at me giving me an evil glare.

I sighed running my head in shame. She was right, I did basically reject her for my girlfriend.

"Y/N I'm so-"

"Save it for someone who cares."

Ouch. Well that stung a little, no actually a lot. She's supposed to be my best friend who lifts me up not brings me down. That comment was just a little mean.

"Okay, that wasn't needed." I retorted a little hurt. She snapped her head back to me and scoffed in a mocking manner.

"What, hurt by some little comment. Welcome to my world princess."

"Okay honestly, I've tried my best to apologise for whatever I did wrong yet you still shut me off? I've done everything I can Y/N!" I whisper shouted trying my best to restrict the noise so people wouldn't stare.

"Shut you off? Are you serious right now? You're the one who shuts me off, you're so embarrassed to be seen with or around me. Ever since you've been going out with that Brat, you've turned into one of them. Its as if don't I even know you anymore!" She slightly shouted. I could see the anger just from looking into her eyes. She was beyond pissed.

I could care less whether people were listening or not. This had to be done.

"I'm not embarrassed to be around you! I've never said that before. You know you're my best friend but I don't know why you're still jealous of Isabelle!" I shouted back. We were now both standing up, fear, anger and adrenalin running through our bodies.

"I'm not jealous! You always think I'm jealous of her and I'm not. Its not like I'm in love with you or anything. I'd never be caught dead with someone like you. Apparently you say I'm your best friend but I just don't see it." She spat at me.

Now that hurt a lot more. If she thinks she can get away with snapping rude comments at me, she has another thing coming.

"Well you're no sleeping beauty either." She gasped at me but I wasn't stopping there. "I would know that you've liked me for years now, I've read your journal. I didn't choose to be your best friend. I had to, thats right, your older sister felt such pity on your pathetic ass that she paid me $100 to be friends with you!" I burst out. the moment the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted saying them.

Watching her anger expression fall into a broken expression was the hardest thing i had ever watched. The tears welling up in her eyes made my heart ache. How could I be so insensitive and ruin everything we've had, choosing Isabelle.

"I-I can't believe you'd do that t-to someone, to m-me." She stuttered as the tears fell from her face. They rolled down her cheeks one by one. She gave me a sad cold expression and that when I knew I'd really done it this time.

I took a deep breath and looked around the room to see everyone staring at us. Even the teacher was shocked from our outburst. We usually portrayed such a happy relationship but that was no longer the case.

Amanda came by Y/N's side and led her outside the classroom, instantly giving me glares.

"Shit." I cursed. Everyone continued to stare at me as if I killed a man.

"Great going Harry, you've really shit this up." One of the boys from the other room called out. He gave me an angry glare and turned around.

"Yeah, you're a real jackass. You're not worth her time, if you won't treat her like the beautiful lady she is, anyone of us will." Lucas spat, chucking a ball of rubbish to my head. Well, I deserved more than that.

I deserved to be locked up in a prison cell for eternity. The one person who actually knew me, who had been there for me through everything, who I found to be the most beautiful girl I'd ever met had slipped through my fingers just like that.

I hated myself for what I've become.

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