Wedding day 3.0

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--------Wedding preparations-------
I paced around the hotel room frantically. My mother was supposed to bring my veil but apparently it got lost on the shipping here. I sat down on the bed and tried to calm my nerves but was soon standing up and pacing again.

"Y/N," Gemma sofly said. "It will be alright, veil or no veil you're still going to be marrying him. It's not about the clothes, it's about you and my brother sharing your lives together. Isn't that what you want?"

I sighed and nodded my head. She was right , I was over exaggerating. She walked towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"You're getting married. This is your big day." I nodded my head in agreement.

"You're right. To be honest, I feel more worried that your mother doesn't like me." I confessed, settling back on the bed. She joined me and gave me a sad smile.

"She'll come around. It never really did make sense to me as to why she was hardly ever fond of you." She pursed her lips. I bit my lip in nerve once again. We sat in silence for a few seconds before someone budged the door open.

My mum walked in looking a little miserable.

She didn't have my veil.

"No luck Huh." I sighed as my frown reappeared. I felt my eyes begin to water but I held them back. A small smile grew onto her lips as my little cousin ran into the room with the bag that must have contained my veil.

"I got it, I got it!" She puffed placing it nearly onto the bed. "We went to the airport to try and finded it but the man said no so I cried until he went to look for it then we founded it!" She beamed in happiness. I couldn't contain the big smile on my face. I picked up Elizabeth and spun her around in my arms.

"Oh I love you, I love you, I love you!" I screeched. Her soft giggled filled the room until I placed her back down.

"Alright, that's it. Now, you have 5 hours and 32 minutes before showtime so let's get going right." My mum beamed in excitement. She ran outside and returned within 5 minutes with a trail of people behind her.

The hair stylists, the makeup artists, the dress fitter, and the delivery women. They carried all the beauty items which was a lot and the dresses for the bridesmaids, flower girls and etc.

Then there was my sisters, Gemma, Anne, my best friends, my mother, my mothers best friend, flower girls and the bridesmaids. To say the least, this suite was packed. It was very large though. There where more than 4 of the top floor suites booked for us.

"Right, we are already delayed by 35 minutes so let's get this show on the road. All the bridesmaids and flower girls in room 120 and the parents in room 121, the bride and mother, Y/BFF and I will stay in here, room 122. Stylist 1 and 4 in room 120, stylist 2 and 3 in room 122 and Stylist 5 and 6 in here. All your dresses and shoes have been delivered, so let's make this the best damn wedding Y/N will ever see." Gemma announced. She was the boss. What she wanted was what went. She knew how to take control and organise things so well.

I yawned as I sat on the prepared chair, waiting for hair and makeup.

"Thanks Gem, for helping me out." I smiled at her as Cynthia began on my hair.

"Well that's what sisters are for right."

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