Balcony 2

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'...No, I've moved on...and you should too.'

Those words kept on replaying in my head as I sat across from my date. She continued to talk about herself and it would have been interesting but I couldn't keep my mind of her.

And it sucked she was my best friend too.

"I'm sorry, I'm boring you aren't I?" She asked, pulling me out of a trance. I glanced up to her, meeting eyes with deep brown eyes. But they were not nearly as mesmerising as Y/N. Now those, those were beautiful.

"Oh no no no, you're not boring me I's just..." I apologised, trailing off, thinking about Y/N once again.
I probably broke her heart by my last comment.

"There's....a girl you like isn't there?" Shannon asked as she placed a comforting hand on mine. I looked at her again to see her giving me a sympathetic look. "And something went wrong but you don't know how to fix it."

I was shocked at how much she knew just by my emotion. I nodded my head in approval. She urged me on to tell her what happened. Which I did. I spilt my gossip into her as if I was a 13 year old teenage girl. But she didn't judge, she just listened; which I appreciated.

"I can see where you're coming from," she commented biting into a small bread biscuit. "But you can't be mad at her for that. You've been best friends since birth, it's quite hard to tell your best friend that you like them after so many years."

It was almost as if she had been in that situation.

I thought about it and she was right. I didn't have a right to be mad at her. Maybe it was because I felt as if she needed to feel the pain I felt when she rejected me a while ago, which was wrong of me to do.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Gosh I'm such a jerk." I snapped at myself folding my arms across my chest and leaning into the cushiony seat.

"No you're not, you just haven't mastered the art of women, that's all. You need to march out of here and go tell her that you love her." She smiled at me, continuing to chew her bread stick.

I widened my eyes in shock. Love? How did she-

"How- w-why do you think I love her?" I stuttered in surprise. She simply laughed at me and looked down on her lap.

"Because of the way your talked about her. I know the feeling. I think you mentioned every single one of her features so much that I could recognise her if she were standing before me." She smirked glancing out of the window of the cute restaurant. I followed her eyes to see a figure standing behind the glass. At first I was shocked and disappointed that she probably followed me here but a wide grin plastered onto my face instead. I got up from my seat and exited out the door to come face to face with her. But something was different, wrong.

"I'm sorry, I was a jerk and I ov-"

"Your mum is in the car. She's not happy. I think it's best you say goodbye to your date before you get into any more trouble." She mumbled as she turned to leave to the silver car I knew too well.

I cursed under my breath as I walked into the restaurant and explained to Shannon what happened. I told her I would text her since she really wanted to know how things would go with Y/N and I.

I took a big sigh and got into the passenger seat of the car, to meet with an angry looking mother of mine.

"I'm very disappointed in the both of you. Especially you Y/N, I expected better." She growled in anger. It was rare to ever see her angry.

"It's not her fault mum, I forced her to cover for me. Don't be mad at her."

"She still lied to me, and so did you. I have every right to mad Harold. I don't know what I'm going to do with you Harry. You're turning her into something she's not. You're fooling around with girls, drinking and who knows, you're probably doing drugs!" She spat in anger. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance. Too far mother.

"I have never done drugs, you and I both know that. I haven't 'fooled around' with any girl in a long time and I've stopped drinking!" I shouted back, purposely skipping the line where she said I was turning Y/N into something she wasn't. Because that was true. I turned to look at her as she kept her eyes outside, without uttering a word. I could tell she was beyond p.issed.

"I don't want to hear it. You and Y/N are done for a while. You both need to think about what you are doing and what you want." She mumbled through gritted teeth as she started the ignition. I parted my lips in shock. She couldn't keep me from seeing her. No way.

"You can't do that! You know she's my bestfriend mum and you love her as if she was your own. You-you know how I feel about her." I mumbled in anger. It took every part of me to not punch he window beside me.

Y/N was still silent, as if she had blocked the entire scene unfolding before us.

"Oh yeah, and how do you feel about her? Using her as if she's a toy. She's not a puppet Harry."

"I know she's not a puppet or a toy. She- I-we... I love her. Gosh, I'm in love with her. And there's nothing you can do to stop me from the feeling the way I do about her. End of story." I blurt, keeping my eyes on her from the reflection in the mirror. Her eyes widened as she looked at me through the gap between the driver and the passenger.

"You-you what?"

"I'm in love with you." I confirmed.

She was quiet as I expected her to say she loved me back. I mean, 6 years is long enough to love someone right? Well it took me less than that to fall for her.

She opened her mouth a few times and closed it before opening it once again, as the words I knew too well slipped from her mouth.

"I-I moved on, and I think you should too."

And that was it.

That was the last sentence she said to me in that 15 minute car ride. I knew she couldn't hold a grudge against me for long, and I knew the way she felt about me. I could see it in her eyes.

I wouldn't speak to my mum, or even look at her. She apologised to the both of us for overreacting when we arrived home but I couldn't forgive her. She basically ruined my relationship with Y/N. Until I got her back, I wasn't going to forgive her.

I sat on my bed shirtless in black track pants. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, my frames were smashed due to my freak out, of course except the one of Y/N and I. I couldn't do that.

"Are you done having a temper tantrum." A femine voice perked up. I looked to the balcony to see Y/N sat on hers, her curtain finally open after being closed for 3 hours.

"I-I'm no- yeah I'm done." I sighed, scratching my arm. She nodded her head slowly, biting her lip.

"Come here. I think you and I need to have a talk."


Part 3 or na?? If so, it will be the last one. If there's not enough votes or comments then I guess not...unless I feel too nice☺️


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