Car crash 7.2

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Harry's POV

I laid on the bed in our room but nothing felt the same. Her not laying by my side, cuddling to my chest whilst I softly sang in the middle of the night felt wrong. I sighed and turned to my side to check the time.

"3:23." I sighed checking my phone. No messages, no missed calls. She would only go to Zayn's place, he was practically her big brother. Which surprised me why I didn't get a call from him blowing his head off at me for hurting his 'baby girl'.

I decided to call him myself to see if she was at least there and safe.
I waited for it to ring a few times until he answered in a groggy voice.

"Mate, it's 3am; what do you want..."

"Well as you probably know by now, Y/N and I...we had a fight couple hours ago and, she erm, stor-" I began but was cut off by another voice in the background.

"Zayn...w-we have to leave... Y/" That was all it took for me to bolt up out of my bed and into my shoes.

"Zayn, Zayn!" I shouted keeping the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"'s Y/N...s-she, she-she's been in a c-crash." I could hear his voice cracking, meaning he was probably in tears.

My eyes widened as I began to panic. I knew I should have never let her leave. When she was mad, she was mad. And she's reckless when she's beyond pissed. Tonight I had pushed it too far. How could I have been so selfish.

I rushed out of the house with my phone and car keys, into my car and the hospital. I ran into the building, tears already building up in my eyes. I spotted the boys seated by the waiting areas, heads in their hands.

Liam was comforting Zayn, Niall and Louis running their hands through their hair.

I walked up to them, tears already falling down my cheeks. Louis looked up to me and stood up, embracing me in a hug as I sobbed into his shoulder.
After a few minutes we pulled away as I wiped my eyes.

"Wh-what did they say? Is s-she okay? Is my b-baby okay?" I cried out. Louis shook his and bowed his head down.

"They won't tell us anything, I'm s-sorry m-mate."

I shook my head and ran to the front desk to an older woman typing away on the desktop.

"Where is she? Is she okay? A-alive? P-please! I need to k-know if she's alive!" I shouted to the woman. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when a doctor came out and stood before me with a clipboard.

"Are you here for Y/F/N?"

I nodded my head as he led me to the seats occupied by the boys.

", never mind. Y/N was pulled out of surgery a couple of hours ago. She suffered a fractured tibia, 2 broken ribs and a head injury, but other than that; her and her baby are fine." He reassured patting me on the shoulder. I sighed a breath of relief but nearly chocked when I remembered he had said baby.


"Well yes...I didn't know she was pregnant? My apologies." The doctor quizzed,  looking a little puzzled. I widened my eyes and turned to face the boys who didn't have much of a different expression.

"Wait, d-did you all know?" I whispered in shock. They turned to face each other but nonetheless nodded. "And none of you told me?!"

"It wasn't our responsibility, it's between you and Y/N. We're sorry mate." Liam apologised rubbing my back. I shook my head and turned back to the doctor.

"Are you all family?" He asked standing up along with me.

"Yes." We all mumbled in unison. He nodded as he pursed his lip.

"Alright, you can all go in. It's section C, room 21 right through this corridor." And with that he disappeared through the hallway.

We nodded our heads at each other and made my way to the room, knowing the directions from previous hospital encounters. We finally reached the door and took a deep sigh, expecting to be greeted by a fragile, broken and lifeless looking Y/N, but instead I made contact with her drowsy yet bright eyes.

"Hey, you're here! Thought you had forgotten about me." She beamed in excitement. I sighed in happiness, glad she was ok. "Come in,"

We all piled into the room as the boys hugged her first and kissed her. Once they were done, her eyes landed on mine for a few seconds. I hope she didn't remember our fight, so we could just forget about it.

"Oh and you brought a friend, how lovely. It's nice to meet you." She smiled at me, reaching her hand out to shake it. At first I thought she was still angry form the fight, which she had every right to be.

"Don't be like that babe, I'm really sorry." I whispered coming closer to her body but confusion was written all over her face.

"Why are you sorry? And why are you calling me babe?" She asked in confusion as her smile faltered. My eyes widened as I remembered what the doctor said. 'A light concussion, meaning she may have lost a few parts of her memory'

"Y/'s me...your boyfriend. Don't you remember?" I asked as tears filled my eyelids. I took a hold of her small hand and placed it in mine. She couldn't have forgotten about me completely. There was no way.

She looked frightened and confused at the same time, releasing her had from mine.

"I-I'm sorry but...I've never seen you in my life..."

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