Your best friend

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Your POV

I watched as she applied the finishing touch to her makeup. She looked gorgeous for her date tonight with Mr.Unknown.

"So who's the lucky guy again?" I asked as she stood up and walked out of the room, me closely behind. I smiled as I folded my arms across my chest.

"His name is Harry. Harry Styles. We met at this little cafe on the corner of brookman. He was on his shift and gave me his number." She blushed as she slipped her wedged heels on.

My eyes widened at the name.

Harry. Harry Styles.

That Harry Styles?

The doorbell rung as Melanie rushed around to grab her purse and her money.

"Can you get that!" She shouted from across the hall as she paced around and flung into one of the rooms.

I walked towards the door and flung it open without even thinking. I came in contact with vibrant green eyes and a mop of curly hair. His eyes widened slightly as I licked my lips and folded my arms across my chest.


"Uh...Hi, um.. Hi Y/N. Hi." He stuttered releasing a big breath.

"Do you want to come in?"

"Sure." He stepped in flicking his hair. I rolled my eyes as we stood by the front door counter. "I can't believe it's you. I mean, I h-havent seen you since-"

"High school."

Right before he was to respond, Melanie stepped out of the room and walked towards us. Well, looks like she went to go put more makeup on. A lot more.

"Hi Melanie. You look stunning." He complimented gazing his eyes up and down her body.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." She complimented as a light blush creased its way onto her cheek.

"Well I do try."

"Oh, sorry Um, Harry this Y/N. Y/N this is Harry." She introduced us as she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"We've met." He replied staring at me.

"Oh. Just then?"

"No like 7 years ago." I replied nodding my head.

"Oh. Were you guys like..."

"Were. For about 5 months but that's it." He replied. Melanie looked a little awkward after that. It was 7 years ago though.

"You two lovebird better get going or you'll miss your reservations! Go go go!" I cheerily shoved them towards the open door.

"Okay okay. Bye Y/N, love you." She called out.

"Have a goodnight!" Harry shouted as they made their way towards his car.

How cute.

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