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I sat on the toilet seat to eat my lunch. The maid Larissa always made something good but it was a pity I couldn't eat somewhere less revolting. I opened the container and engulfed in the spaghetti she had prepared. She was the only one who knew about my school life so she always put disposable lunch boxes.

I finished eating and headed straight out of the bathroom door but I winced as I roughly bumped into a tall figure.

"I'm sorr- Oh." He glared at me on the ground, His curls messily swept to one side of his defined face.


"Well well. Had a good lunch today? Did the maid prepare something fancy again?" He snapped. I tried to stand up but he put his leg on my chest.

"I-It was just s-spag-"

"Did I say you can talk!" He shouted spitting on me. I went to wipe away the spit from my eyes but he shoved me roughly onto the ground , resulting me in banging my head and back on the concrete. I felt nausea coming bad before I knew it, I was coughing and vomiting out blood. My chest was aching badly and I could hardly breath. It all came at once and I couldn't stop. This was the first time he hurt me so bad that I was losing so much blood.

He immediately stopped laughing after he noticed the blood pouring out of my mouth. He cursed under his breath and ran leaving me on the ground. I could hardly process anything that was going on. My sight was completely blurry. I could feel my body turning numb and my eyes closing

I felt someone lift my body of the ground and rush outside the school into their car. They drove for what seemed like hours. My eyes opened and closed regularly until I found myself being strolled away on a bed. I couldn't keep my eyes open for any longer so I closed them and drifted off.


I opened my eyes to notice myself in a white room. Am I dead?

I recognised the monitors around me and various objects in my skin. The hospital. I sighed and looked around for anyone and right on my left lay a boy with black hair his hands locked with mine.

I shook his body and he immediately lifted His head. His eyes widened as a smile spread across his lips.

"You're awake." He whispered wiping his eyes from sleep. "I was so worried."

I sighed looking around and releasing my hand away from his to feel my face. I had a big patch of bandage on my right cheek, and I could feel a tube down my throat stopping me from talking.

"You're okay babe. I'll go get a doctor, don't do anything." He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I glanced around the room but regretted it as pain struck through my entire body.

Just as I closed my eyes due to the extreme level of pain, the door opened and in walked the doctor and Zayn.

"Good to see you awake, Ms Y/LN."

I nodded my head remembering I wouldn't be able to talk.

"The surgery was a success but you will still be in a bit of pain for a few weeks. Do you know what happened to you Y/N." He sighed with sympathy visible in his eyes and tone of voice. I shook my head not remembering much.

"You were in an accident. Some jerk decided it was cool to fu- to beat up my little sister. And I know exactly who it is." Zayn mumbled the last part as he tensed his knuckles.

"Anyway. You had 2 fractured rib and 1 broken rib. Your lungs were also not in great condition but nothing some medication can't mend. Your larynx also known as voice box was partially damaged. We managed to go through 2 surgeries. One for your larynx and one to mend the the damage in your skull due to the rough impact. We were surprised to see someone as badly injured as you after being beaten up. But nothing that surgery or medication couldn't fix. You're a very lucky girl to have a brother who cares for you so much." He rambled in detail about my condition.

I remember.

Harry Styles did this to me.

-----1 Week Later-----

Today was the day I was finally released from hospital. I had to stay an extra 3 days because my breathing got heavier but that was an aftermath of getting the breathing tube removed so now I was going home. I had a little cane that I needed to help me walk since apparantly my brain had processed that i was in a coma so it temporarily paalysed my legs.

"Are you ready lil sis?" Zayn smiled kissing the top of my head. I nodded my head as we exited the hospital. It was the first time I had been outside in over 2 weeks. I wasn't 100% stable with my walking. I couldn't talk either until my next visit in 2 weeks to remove the plaster they had inserted around my larynx to protect it from infection and further damage. I could only say whisper little words like 'yes' and 'no'.

The drive home was relaxing as the wind blew through my hair. As we entered the neighbourhood, I saw a familiar face I really wasn't looking forward to. Harry. He was with a friend playing basketball. Sadly his house was right next to mine.

We entered the driveway and I watched as he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at our car. Zayn hopped out and came to my side and opened it, helping me out. He pulled out my cane and handed it to me. As we were walking towards the house, Zayn stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed Harry staring at us.

"Y/N, get in the house." He demanded leading me into the unlocked house. I sighed and stepped in as I saw Zayn walk back to Harry. He was shouting at him for a long time. He looked like he could kill him but he backed away.

10 minutes after settling back into the house, I went outside to take a walk to the mailbox. A brown basketball rolled into our driveway.

"Bitch throw me the ball." I heard Harry's voice. I ignored him and checked the mail which was somewhat empty. I noticed a shiny metal which looked like a pin. I picked it up and stabbed it right into the ball just as Harry walked next to me.

"What the hell is your problem!" He grabbed the pin from my hand scratching me int the process. He turned my body around looking like he was going to stab me in the face until he noticed all the scars and stitches on my face and neck.

He dropped the pin and stared at all the flaws around my body. "Is this wha-I did this?"

"Yes. You could have killed me. I was out for 4 days because of the damage you did to my body. I had 2 surgeries. 2 surgeries. I hate you. I hate what you've made of me. I'm ugly because of you. You're a bully. Next time you want to beat me up, just kill me instead." I snapped as tears poured out of my eyes. I was in pain.

He looked speechless like he didn't know what to say. He looked guilty even.

That's a lie, people like him don't feel emotion.

I grabbed my cane and stumbled my way back into the house, slamming it shut.

"Y/N. What were you doing with Harry." Zayn snapped when I layed next to him on the couch, my head on his chest.

I pulled out my phone and typed, not wanting him to know I talked when I'm not aloud to. It hurt to talk but it was worth it. I finished typing and showed to him.

Giving that bitch a piece of my mind.

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