How you met- 1.2

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----He invites you to breakfast----

Your POV

I woke up to the annoying buzzing coming from the direct light on my nightstand. Who the heck is waking me up this early?!

I reached my arm over and grabbed my phone, bringing it towards my face to see what the big deal I swiped the phone across and answered in a slow raspy voice.


"Hey! You answered." He squealed from the other end. Why the heck is he up so early.

"Harry seriously. Why do you feel the need to call me so early in the morning?" I grumbled in annoyance.

"I'm sorry love, but it's for a good cause."

I rolled my eyes as usual. This isn't the first time he's called for a 'good cause'. 2 days ago he called me during one of my lectures because he wanted me to do a One Direction quiz over the phone. That resulted In me getting kicked out so yesterday I spent the whole day doing the course online and writing important details.

"Harry, seriously I will kill you if you don't stop calling me at bad times." I retorted, sitting up from my previous position. Great, now I'm awake.

"No need for violence sweetie. So..." he trailed off.


"Well the boys, Niall's cousin and I are going out to breakfast in about an hour and they suggested I invite you along which I thought was an excellent idea!" He chirped as he rustled around in the background. A small smile spread along my lips as I thought about it.

"I would love to but I don't want to intrude."

"Intrude? Please, they will love you. Promise."

"Well okay then." I sighed in defeat but I'm not here to complain. Going out with 1D is pretty sick though, right?

"Great! Text me the details to your home and we'll be there in about 45 minutes yeah?" His thick British accent replied in its usual happy cheery voice.

"Yup. Bye."

I hung up the phone before he could reply. I quickly texted him the details to my flat before throwing my phone back onto the other side of the bed. I pulled the thin covers off my body and grabbed the nearest towel by the little white shelf in my room, heading for the bathroom door.

I hopped into the shower and quickly cleansed my body and my hair in the'Vintage Vanilla' substances. After my shower, I stepped back into my room and towards my door to decide on what to wear.

Maybe a dress? No, I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. But i am.

I decided to settle for a black material leather skinny pants and a peach button up with a studded collar. I really like the design of the clothing separately but together they are so beautiful.

I walked over to my shelf of shoes deciding on what to put on. Heels? Nah, too much work. Maybe combat boots.

After I was fully dressed and ready, I grabbed my purse and my phone and sat on the couch waiting. I scrolled through my email which only consisted of spams and social mail. I was ready to turn the tv on when the doorbell rung, making me jump in surprise. The nerves started to kill me as I stood up and made my way towards the door.

It has been about 6 weeks since I last saw him, maybe he will have a different impression on me. I don't know, I'm over thinking this. I clutched my phone tighter as I held onto the door knob ready to twist it. I opened the door slowly and peaked my head through the little gap where I finally met with his face. I opened the door wider and a large smile spread upon his lips.

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