How you met 1.1

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----He calls you----

Your POV

I lounged on the couch with a bag of chips on my lap and a large coke on the table, flicking through the music channels before finally landed on channel V. I aimlessly scrolled through my phone as a few songs that I wasn't really interested in passed by. That was until Story of my life came on. I turned my head towards the tv as the one direction boys began to be previewed. As my eyes caught onto the familiar locks of curl, I couldn't help be reminded of my encounter with him over a month ago. Although he had said he would call, I wasn't too shocked he hadn't. Given his status, it was absolutely understandable, despite my slight disappointment. I hadn't told anyone about my encounter with Harry either considering no one would believe me. Even my best friend Michelle wouldn't. Heck, if I still didn't think about that kiss on the cheek he left me, I would think I made it up.

After about two hours of listening to the hottest charts, I began to feel really tired. It wasn't like I had been productive today, I was merely tired from doing absolutely nothing. However, just as I had began to drift off, my irritating chiming of my phone made my entire body jolt up in surprise. With a low groan and pathetic attempt to roll my lazy ass over, I finally picked up my phone and checked the caller ID.


Had I not felt so bored and lonely, I would have ignored the number. But not today I wouldn't. Instead, I swiped across, listening to the muffles of indistinct chatter and what sounded like objects being thrown across the room.

"H-hello?" I asked cautiously, praying it wasn't some creep again or another 10 year old boy's sad attempt at a prank.

"Ah, hello!" A deep voice from the other end replied. I furrowed my eyes in confusion as to who this is. They spoke as if the knew me. But let's be real, other than my brother, I didn't know anyone who had a penis. The closest thing other than him was my aunt Greta, who's manly voice was a result of 50 years of smoking.

"Um, who is this?"

"Who is this?" He replied back to the same question I asked. This was definitely a prank call. I debated on humouring him for a few minutes, but suddenly I wasn't interested in playing his little game.

"Hm, great. I'm gonna' hang up now..." I sighed ready to hang up until the voice shouted very abruptly.

"Wait, no! It's me, Harry. Don't you remember?" He chuckled as a few voices chuckled in the background. I could feel my face heating up and my palms getting sweaty just from the thought that he was on the other line to me. Me, basic me. I was quick to sit up from my current laying position, running my fingers through my hair as if he could see me and I had to make myself presentable.

"Oh! Hello...Harry." I chuckled nervously, crossing my legs on the couch and turning my phone to speaker.

"Hi, Y/N. How could you not know it was me? You must have heard my voice on tv millions of times." He coughed as a few other people shouted his name in unison.

"Cocky much. And no, I guess I just don't pay that much attention to how you sound." I immediately cringed as the words came out of my mouth. I made it sound like I didn't pay any attention to him whatsoever.

"Oh...anyway. So, how have you been?" He asked as stood up to walk into the kitchen to look for another snack I cold binge on.

"I'm great, nothing special. How about you?"

"Neither. I'm not really that busy lately." 

"Oh" I replied. It had hit me slightly that he hadn't been busy and never actually called me. But who was I to already act like an obsessive girlfriend when he didn't even know my last name yet. I ignored my emotions to make sand which. I began to slice my ingredients as we talked about ourselves just like the first time we met. It was odd to think that we had only met twice but could have conversations like we had known each other forever.

We continued talking all through lunch time and over a couple episodes of Vampire Diaries. For once I didn't mind missing one of my favourite shows considering this is the only time I would get to talk to The Harry Styles.

"So that's how we ended up breaking up." He chuckled on the other line. 

"Wow, I never thought Taylor would write a song about you though..." I huffed laying my head down on my duvet. I watched as my dog fell into a dreamless slumber. He was adorable when he slept, with his little twitchy floppy ears hanging down his face, his cute button nose and thick curly hair. Now that i think about it, he reminded me a lot of Harry.

"I'm not surprised. Your turn to tell me, how many guys have you dated? 10, 20?" I could sense him smiling through his voice. I heard more groaning in the background, followed by him hushing them.

I let out an obnoxious laugh after his comment, not being able to contain myself. Did I come off slutty in some way or was he just making a joke.

10, 20 guys? Ha!

"What's funny?"

"You see, the thing is, I have never dated anyone..." I blushed, covering my face although he couldn't see me. It was a little embarrassing to come think of it. Twenty old virgin of everything.

"What!" He gasped. "Come on, you've got to be joking. There must be tons of boys after you! I'm sure you've dated lots of boys."

I laughed once again as my puppy perked his head up towards me and layed back down, this time placing his paw on my lap like he often did for comfort.

"No one. Unless if you count Trent in 3rd grade where we dated throughout the whole of recess!" I joked, technically not even joking. We did date throughout recess, but he dumped me because he moved onto Cassy, my 10 year running arch nemesis.

"All the boys in this town must be crazy not to be falling head over heels for you."

"Well they don't have any reason to. I'm just a regular girl you know. I don't think I'm ugly but beautiful is an overstatement." I rambled, speaking the truth. I really never thought I was gorgeous or anything. Just like anyone else, there were days were I thought I was pretty and days were I thought I looked crap. But I never really had the time or patience to sit there and judge myself, hence why I settled with average. I was content with average.

"You're insane, Y/N. If you don't realise that you're stunning, then, I don't know what else to say."

I was about to respond with a cheeky response but another voice spoke form his side of the line.

"Harry, get off the phone! You've been talking to this girl for hours." Another British voice shouted but clear enough for me to hear. Well ain't this awkward.

"Get lost, Lou!"

"Wait isn't that the girl he has been obsessing over for the past month?" An Irish voice chuckled whom I presumed was Niall. It threw me off guard to hear their voices. For a few hours I had completely forgot who Harry really was. Instead, I was just taking advantage of possibly making a new friend.

"Oh yeah! He were so scared to call her this whole month." Another voice laughed.

"Stuff off! She can probably hear this!" Harry groaned, but they all laughed in response andd said some words I couldn't decipher.

"Calm down Harry and talk to your woman." 

There was a few shuffling until it got silent once again. I held the phone to my ear waiting for him to say something, but a part of me couldn't help worry that he didn't want to talk anymore.

"I'm sorry about them if you heard that. The boys can be really annoying." He apologised and I could sense the annoyance in his voice. There was no longer voices in the background so I figured he left the room or something. If my friends embarrassed me like that, I would... give them a long silent treatment. I could bullshit and say I would punch them, but everyone knows I cried when my my lecturer killed the spider on his desk. I had a reputation of being a little...soft.

"No no, it's fine. Harry, really. Don't worry about it"

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He chuckled. My eyes slightly widened at his comment. Is he flirting with me or is he just joking around? Maybe he meant liked me as a friend, or was it more. Did I even hear correctly or did I completely make it up. Maybe this was one of my crazy fantasies.


"Not personally sweetheart. You know, like I would like Niall kind of thing. Don't blush too much."

Oh gosh. Well that confirmed that he had no intentions of advancing anything. He had friend zoned me so quickly, and I didn't even know we were friends. The awkward silence didn't hesitate to build up as I sat at a loss of words. I really had built my hopes up for absolutely nothing at all.

"Damn, I'm sorry love, I have to go. Paul just called me for a dress rehearsal at Palace stadium." He sighed. I nodded my head again stupidly, tucking myself under my blankets.

"That's cool. Have fun... I guess i'll see you around. It was great meeting and talking to you by the way. Maybe we'll cross paths again." I replied disappointedly. This might have been the last time I would get to talk to him. But who was I to complain, it was fun whilst it lasted.

"We'll it was awesome meeting you too but you're not getting rid of me that easily sweetie. Can I call you tomorrow yeah? Maybe we can meet up sometime this week, if you're free that is."

"Wow." I breathed in shock, slapping mouth for not cooperating with my brain. But it was crazy, he actually still wanted to talk to me? "Y-yeah, that would be pretty cool."

"Great! Goodnight, Y/F/N."

"Goodnight, Harry Styles."

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