4. Gifts

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Techno woke up at around five in the evening. He got up looking to see if Irene was still here, but a note she left behind said otherwise.

Dear Technoblade,
my love

I love you, I have gone back to the mansion. I do hope you will take care of Steve, Blue and Violete. Also I got very bored and made you a cape which is next to the letter. I also have another gift for you in the stables beside the house. I wish I was there so show you them in person but I hope this will do.
I love you,
Irene blade ♡♡

She used our last name... Irene blade.. Nice... her writing so pretty... sad pog... she's gone... bring her back... sad... not pog...

Techno was happy you used his last name. Techno didn't want to marry which Irene was totally OK with, but damn his last name suited her well in his mind.

Techno was trying to ignore the voices so he turned to the cloak she had gifted him.

Techno smiled a bit. It was a frosty blue colour and had white fur trim with silver clips to hold it in place. He would treasure this cape.

New cape pog?... she's gone... cool cape.. pretty.. Irene gone..

Techno pushed the voices aside and tried on the cape.

The cape fit him perfectly. It was like the others but blue and the material seemed more expensive too.

How much did this cost?

Techno decided to look in the stables for the other surprise Irene had left him. Passing Steve the polar bear who followed him.

''I wander what the surprise is?'' He said to himself as he made his way out to the stable.

When he got there their was a note on the door.

Hello Love

Your surprise is in the second stable on the right,
Also don't forget to feed the others.
This one took a while

I love you,
Irene Blade ♡♡

Techno smiled at the note, about a year after we started dating, she hated her last name so she took mine. I never judged her for it but I didn't want to get married yet so this was her way of saying 'I still love you we don't need a huge seremony to love each other'

Or atleast that's what she said when I told her I didn't want to get married. I still remember that day.

Her hair was a lot shorter, up to her shoulder. She wore a short red dress with long sleeves. I told her I didn't want to marry anyone, not because I didn't love her but because I didn't see the need to waste money on an expensive serimony that will only last a day.
Her smile didn't falter, she didn't even hesitate before she took my hand held it to her chest and said,
''I love you, we don't need a huge serimony to love each other i don't care if we don't marry, along as I have you I really don't care ''

That's when I knew I found the one I want to stay with for the rest of my life. I didn't care who I'd have to kill to keep her by my side, I would die for her. No questions asked.

I walked into the stable, first on the right I seen a foal. It was black and its mother lay beside it keeping it warm. On the stable door was a sign,

Foals name is Charcoal.
Don't question me Techno.

I chucked at the sign, even when she's not here she always seems to make me laugh with her little notes.

I then walked over to the next stable, inside was a brown horse. It had a star on its head and white socks on all four legs it's mane was a light brown nearly blonde even. A note was on the stable door.

Dear Techno,

This is my second gift!
This is the fastest horse I could breed. Let's just say it took a while. But it would be worth it for you. His saddle and bridle is by the diamond horse armour in the chest by the spare hay.
He doesn't have a name yet, so you can name him what you want,
I Love you,
Irene Blade♡♡

Really? She didn't!? I had always complained about how slow normal horses are. But I didn't think she would cross breed my own horse!

New horse pog.. what to name it.. After Irene?... Carl!.. name it Carl... pog...

Carl huh?

Carl pog.. Carl and Steve... new horse pog... miss Irene...

''I guess your name is Carl now. '' I told the horse who just neighed and moved closer to me, sticking his head out the stable door. I pet his head and it neighed content with my actions.

''Wait, did she say diamond horse armour?'' I quickly looked back at the note in my hands,
She did.

''How much time do you have on your hands?''

I made my way towards the other side of the stable.
Low and behold there was diamond horse armour along with Carl's bridle and saddle.
Their was another note attached to the horse armour.

Hey Babe,
I hope you like the horse,
the breeding definitely took longer than the cape making. Anyway this horse armour is for your horse aswell.
If your wandering about the other horses in the other stall I plan on taming the foal and releasing the mother,
Take care,
I love you,
Irene Blade♡♡

I was baffled. She had way to much time on her hands. And all for me? Moments like these just make me love her even more. But how much did this cost? Please don't tell me she got it fit to Carl's shape perfectly. That would have cost so much. How did she even get the money anyway? I know her parents are rich but they're so greedy they wouldn't dare give her a penny, as if she would take it anyway.

''Why not take Carl for a spin while I'm here. huh'' I said to myself stuffing the letter in my pocket and grabbing Carl's tack.

While riding Carl I realised just how fast he was! I'm gonna have to ask Irene how she got him to be so fast. And he didn't even have a speed potion.

Over time I had appreciated everything she had given me. I realised I didn't even get her anything. She was so much to me and during her last two days she was busy taking care of me. I didn't even get her anything. So I decided to start a project of my own.

She would definitely love it.
And I'll show her when she gets back at the end of the month. Mabe Phil could help, no. She's my partner I will do it by hand by myself. She would definitely appreciate it. Anything for her.

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