15. Awake

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Techno stared at the woman beside him. She was there. Awake. Breathing and awake. He couldn't believe it. Just two seconds ago she was barely moving her chest to breathe, now she was holding his hand gently squeezing it.


She asked quietly. Techno stood up and hugged her. Bending down over the bed so she didn't have to move from her position.

''I missed you..'' Techno said quietly into her ear. He pulled away and stood beside the bed.
''I need Phil..'' He whispered to himself as he left out the door, closing it gently behind him.

Once Techno got downstairs he seen Phil setting the table for dinner.

''Hey Techno-''

Techno grabbed Phil by the arm and dragged him upstairs and into they're room. Irene was awake on the bed. Her wing was gently wrapped around her like a blanket.


''Hello Phil'' She replied softly as they two men walked over to her. Her voice was soft but raspy at the same time.

''Oh God you scared the shit outta us! What the hell were you thinking!?'' Phil yelled at her. She smiled awkwardly not knowing exactly what to say, she could barely remember what happened let alone know how long she's been knocked out.


''Right, right. I'll do my job.'' Phil said before Techno could finish his sentence.

''Irene can you move your left wing?'' He asked.

Irene shifted her focus to her injured wing and moved it slightly. If she moved it anymore it would most definitely hurt a while lot more.

''M'kay how about your chest? Does it hurt a lot?''
She nodded quietly and Phil hummed in acknowledgement.

''I'll get you food now in a bit. Techno will you catch her up in what she has missed?'' Phil asked sarcastically.

''Sure.'' He monotoned as Phl left the room. He looked back at Irene. The vision of her being awake was still setting in.

''Are you ok, love?'' Irene asked quietly.
Techno gave a quiet nod. His voices were loud. Very loud. They were speaking incoherent words at Techno that he couldn't quite make out.

Irene took Techno's hand again. She intertwined her fingers with Techno's and the voices were quiet again. It was as if they were taking in the sight for themselves along with Techno.

''I'm sorry Aphrodite..'' Techno said to himself.
Techno promised himself that he would protect Irene no matter what. The voices completely agreed. It was the first time they have ever agreed on something which made it all the more blissful.

''Don't be.'' Irene cooed softly ''I'm sorry I couldn't be there'

Techno sat down beside Irene on the bed. They're hands still intertwined as Techno kissed her forehead gently.

Loud footsteps could be heard running up towards the bedroom. Techno had a  disappointed look on his face as the door swung open.

A young blonde yelled as is demanding attention from the people in the room.

''What.'' Techno was easily irritated by his presence.

''Phil said the sleeping lady was awake!'' He replied loudly.


''I want to make a good impression!'' He said then walked over to Irene who was still confused.

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