28. late nights

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It was dark when you woke up. You were in bed, right there beside you was the piglin you love so dearly. It was quiet, the slow banter of wind agenst the cold cabin. The slow beating heart of the man beside you, who was deep in sleep. The warm heat that radiates off of him just made you want to cuddle up to him more.
Your throat felt dry, you felt hungry too. How did you even get here.. last you checked you were brewing potions for them.

Deciding not to dwell on how you ended up in bed, you decided to focus on how hungry you were.
Carefully and slowly you pushed the warm blankets and furs off your body, being sure not to wake the sleeping piglin and being sure he was still comfortable and asleep you exited the room.

It was dark outside, meaning the cabin was dark too, it was just after midnight and the fire was already burnt out. Taking a match you lit a small candle in the hallway which glowed so you could see were you were going.
When you got downstairs there was a plate on the counter along with a note,

Hey, Y/n,
Its probably late at night when you read this but, Yeah Techno found you had fallen asleep while brewing so while he brought you to bed, I left you some food.

You smiled at the note. It was sweet of him to do.
You put the small note aside and looked at the food. It wasn't much but a light snack like the one you had prepared earlier for the two.
You ate the whole thing without even realising it. It was late and you didn't even realise how hungry you were and still was. You put the plate away in the sink deciding to wash it later, taking your candle which was slowly burning away. You went back upstairs to join your piglin partner in bed.
You blew out the candle in the hallway and placed it on a small shelf there. You knew this place like the back of your hand, the candle did help though.
Your eyes slowly adjusted to your dark surroundings. And you could make out the outline of your bedroom door. You opened it and walked inside. Seeing your partner was still asleep you were careful not to wake him.

Getting back in bed without making a noise is a already challenge, but getting in bed without making a sound and without waking someone, that was Misson impossible.

So when Techno stirred in his sleep you tried to slowly get more comfortable, only for him to immediately grab you and pull you closer.

''Sleep now..'' He whispered drowsily, it came out as a half growl, and half not. But he was sleepy so were you, already accepting your fate and already getting comfortable cuddling up more into the piglins chest. You heard him huff quietly before relaxing aswell.
Slowly drifting off into slumber once more.

Usually the wind that you could hear battering agenst the cabin would be calming, now a constant reminder of every minute that passes by we get closer and closer to war.

It was colder today, but that was only outside where Phil and Techno were. You were inside. Forceing yourself to slave away brewing potions. It was stressful. While the two trained you brewed.

You had plenty of Wither resistant potions now, they are difficult to make, one wrong move and it blows up in your face sending poisonous gasses throughout the room. Not lethal, just enough to make you sick and forced into bed rest for a day or two.
Sadly you didn't have a day, let alone two.

Luckily no potions blew up in your face, so you were thankful for that. You also managed to get multiple healing and regeneration potions done.

You had four batches of fire resistance brewing and five more healing potions on the way.
You were crushing the ingredients. Ensuring it was mixed well before beginning to brew.

Brewing is difficult and can be quite deadly for those first starting out. Luckily once you have the basics down the rest is easy enough.

You heard the door open and close from upstairs. You didn't pay much attention to it, knowing that you had so many more potions to brew.

''Do you ever take a break?''

You looked to your right, Phil was standing there arms crossed as if scolding me. He was clearly sweating himself, probably just finished sparing with Techno and was taking a breather.

''Coming from the one covered in sweat.'' You said back smirking at him and then returning to your potions.

''Techno is going to the Nether, do you need anything?'' He asked.

''Just blaze rods. I'm running out.'' It is true, your blaze rods are diminishing faster than expected. We also need gunpowder for TNT and rockets and for more potions.

''Anything else you need?''

''Gunpowder and blazerods, that's all, I have everything else.''

''We have gunpowder upstairs.''

''That's for the TNT and rockets. I need it for the potions.'' You claimed now carefully pouring the crushed blazepowder into the brewing stand.

''Right, I'll see what I can do, be careful we'll be gone for a few hours.'' You nodded watching him leave upstairs and with a sigh, you started brewing once more.

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