19. a day together♡

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~The next Day~

Irene woke up the next day, her mate nowhere to be seen. The house was unusually quiet, the wind bashing agenst the side of the winter cabin was the loudest thing there. The room was empty aside from Irene still in bed, just barely getting up. Irene layed back down for a bit. She enjoyed the quiet days, it feels like now those quiet days get less and less. She stretched a little before finnaly deciding to get dressed.

Irene chose to wear a warm pair of  black leggings lined in fleece and a knitted croped sweater in a off-white cream colour.

As she exited her room she noticed a delicious smell reminating from downstairs. Irene followed the sent of food making her way downstairs. When she got to the kitchen she saw Techno at the stove making French toast. It was one of her favourite foods.

Techno turned around to see Irene in the doorway of the kitchen. He removed the pan off the stove and walked over to the girl.

''Morning, Love'' He whispered into Irene's ear as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forhead.

''Morning'' Irene replies her voice still raspy from only just waking up.

''Hey.. I'm sorry about yesterday..'' Techno apologised ''I promise I'll tell you what's going on later, OK?'' Techno says quietly still not pulling away from the hug. Irene nodded into Technos chest.

''So,'' Techno began again, pulling away from Irene and bending down so his face met hers, ''I convinced Phil to take Tommy on a day trip so we have all day to spend together.''
Technos face inched closer to Irene's who had a red tint making its way to her cheeks.
''Just you and me'' Techno finished planting a gentle kiss on Irene's lips.

When Techno pulled away Irene looked at him a little sceptical.
''R-really?.. just us?''

''Just us Aphrodite.'' 

Irene smiled brightly and jumped up and hugged Techno who spun Irene around, lifting her up off the ground before stopping and kissing her again.
It's been too long since it's been just them. It felt like they were moving in together all over again.

Techno put Irene down and turned to the food still in the pan. Irene blushed a little from the nickname Techno gave her. It felt like years since it's been just the two of them. Lately they have barely gotten enough time for eachother and when they did they were too tired to even hold up a conversation. Now they finnaly had time to spend together. After everything that had happened it felt like a huge weight lifted off their shoulders.

Irene was going over to set the table when Techno stood infront of her, preventing her from moving forward.

''Sit.'' Techno demanded, but it didn't have any real malice behind it.

''Why? I just wanna-''

''Nope!'' Techno cut Irene off happily and threw her over his shoulder.

''Ahh! Tech-! Wait- Put me down!?'' Irene argued but Techno just laughed as he sat her down on a chair beside the dining table.

''Sit. I got this,'' Irene pouted but was smiling through her small pouts. Techno smiled and kissed her forehead then disappeared back into the kitchen. When he came back he had two plates of French toast and set one infront of Irene and the other for him.

After breakfast the two got ready and headed out.
Techno lead Irene through the snow covered forest that surrounded their home. The trees shielded them from the light snow fall from above.

''Where are we going?'' Irene giggled as Techno led her.

''It's a surprise.''

''Oh come on please~ love~'' you pleaded, but still giggling. Techno only sighed and turned to face Irene.

''Trust me?'' He asked

''Of course I do'' You answered without hesitation.

''Close your eyes, OK?''

You nodded then closed your eyes, you could feel Techno's hand in yours. Leading you, taking turns here and there, you could hear the snow crunch beneath your feet and mabe a small snap from a twig you stepped on, along with a few tweeting birds, before finnaly slowing down and coming to a stop.

You felt him let go of your hand and when you went to grab it again he wasn't there. You slowly retracted your hand, your eyes still closed when you felt a pair of arms snake their way around your waist. You jumped at the sudden touch but a monotoned voice told you it was OK.

''You ready?'' He asked still hugging you from behind, his arms wrapped around your abdomen. You opened your eyes.

You were met with a beautiful scenery, it was an open space surrounded by trees. There was snow on the ground but that didn't stop the different flowers and greenery from shining through. Different flowers, bushes, shrubbery, grew through the snow and there were even different types of rabbits and mice running around the place. In the centre of the small open space was a decaying tree on its side. It was covered in frost and snow.


''That good huh?'' Techno teased looking down at you.

''If only you were in it.'' You smiled back. Techno's face slowly grew a light pink shade and he looked away. You just smiled more brightly, stepping away from Techno's embrace and walking towards a small rabbit hiding under a berry bush.

You let your horns tail and wings show. You always felt more comfortable showing off your demon form while  surrounded by nature. You approach the small bunny and hold out your hand. The small rabbit slowly and hesitantly hops towards you. The small creature sniffs your hand before rubbing agenst it. You carefully pick up the rabbit and hold it in your arms. You look back at Techno to see him stareing at you. You smile brightly at him and he then turns his head away from you.

''Techno! Look!'' You exclaim happily carrying the small bunny over to Techno. He looks over at you then to the rabbit in your arms.

''Made a friend already, huh?'' He jokes.

''Mabe~'' You say like a child that just stole candy from their mother.

Techno points to something behind you. You turn around and carefully put down the rabbit. You look around again, searching for the thing Techno was pointing at.

You turn around to face Techno, but he only blushes while looking at you.

''Sorry.. thought I saw a snow fox..'' He chuckles nervously. I only smile and peck him on the lips.

''How about we go back home, I am getting hungry.'' He asks.

''Sure'' you smile at him. The two of you walk back to the winter cabin. Spotting different animals along the way. Only pointing them out and not hunting them for food. It was nice, peaceful even. Once you get inside you take off your winter cloak and brush off the layers of snow.

You walk into the kitchen looking for something too eat. Looking through the presses and cabnits you realise there isn't much left. Phil and Tommy are probably trading for food right now.

Techno takes your hand.

''I have a different idea.'' He says blankly. You look at him a little confused to what he wants. He brings your hand to the back of his neck and he bends down.
Techno moves his mask slightly and plants a soft kiss on your lips, to which you happily return.

Techno picks you up bridle style and brings you out of the kitchen. He carefully carries you upstairs and to your room. He carefully places you down before kissing you again.

''What's this about?'' You ask now curious. He takes off his mask completely now and places it down on the wardrobe. You stand there in the centre of the bedroom still a little confused as to what he wants.

''Sorry'' He said softly. Pulling you into a tight hug. ''The voices are getting loud again..''

''It's alright..'' You coo softly. ''What do they want?''

Techno breaks the hug and looks down at you before speaking again.


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