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''Um.. Irene?'' You heard Ranboo call to you.
Phil had moved into his house while Ranboo's is still under construction so Ranboo has the spare room in you and Techno's house.

''Yeah Ranboo?''
The kid has already grown on you. Honestly you surprised yourself by how easy it was to trust him. He doesn't even trust himself with basic tasks and here you were willing to defend him if necessary.

''Um, how.. how do you cook?'' He asked shyly. He had slowly opened up to you. He doesn't know how to cook or do much really. Techno had taken to training him how to use a sword.

He's a sweetheart really.

''Sure, come here and take that knife there. I'll show you how to make potato and leek soup first.'' You said already writing down the recipe for Ranboo later.
With his memory problems you'd make little lists of different recipes for him so he'd know how to cook once his house is built. But you'll probably make him food anyway.

He's different than Tommy. So different.
Tommy was confident and cocky. Loud too. Ranboo was more quiet and shy. But he knew how to defend himself if the time came for it plus he's more independent.
He's tall too.
Although some could argue that Tommy's independent. Tommy's independence is completely none existent. He acts like he is but he relies too much on other people. Whether it be you Techno or his friend Tubbo.
Someone would always have to be his safety net.

Ranboo prefers not to be a burden. He knows when he over steps a boundary and when he does he apologises for it and actually means it. He hasn't even been here too long and he's already making a house for himself.
Something Tommy could never.

Okay, maybe you just dislike Tommy at the moment but who wouldn't in your shoes!
He'd completely thrown your kindness and Techno's kindness away! Just for a spot of land that was never ment to be.
Stupid really. And you'll never understand the connection with that hole in the ground.

You've been teaching Ranboo small things. Like cooking just small treats and little cooking tricks you've learned yourself.
The front door opened and Phil walked in looking around.

''Have you ever heard of knocking Phil?'' You asked sarcastically making him scoff. He came into the kitchen  seeing you and Ranboo in the kitchen.
He had a proud smirk on his face.

''Maybe, but Ranboo, do you wanna work on your house now? I have some stuff for it.'' Phil said leaning agenst the doorframe.

''Oh, right.. um, is that okay..?'' Ranboo asked you to which you nodded.

''Don't worry Ranboo I'll finish it.'' You told him taking the knife off him watching as he followed Phil out the door.

The silent screaming of the kettle came to a stop as you took it off the stove carefully making yourself a cup of tea you were alone with your thoughts.
It made you think over a few things. You've been thinking a lot lately. Mostly trying to understand why Tommy would just leave like that.
It made you wonder, as different as Ranboo is, would he do the same?
Tommy thought of his friends in high regards and I understand if he wanted to protect them but.. he wanted to protect a country. Not the people. It still bothered you. Or mabe you got it all wrong..

You just hope Ranboo isn't like that..

Your wings twitched slightly. Not enough to notice and your use to it by now. They just felt stiff now. Like their not used to doing nothing. You sighed.
You weren't sure if you could still fly. It would be nice if you could but you were scared to try. You just learned how to, it would be sad to loose it so soon.
Then again, Phil's wings are scarred and he can still fly, albeit not as good as he used to but he could still do it.

You brought one of your wings unfront of you and gently brushed through the feathers. You noticed now how they were a little messy.
Maybe you should ask Techno to clean them up for you.

You felt a small tug behind you, and you turned your head and smiled. Bringing one of your hands to wrap around Techno's neck while he wrapped his own arms around your waist.

''Yes Darlin?'' You asked a smile on your face.

''Can I not just enjoy your company?'' He asked sarcastically.

''Of course, I'm just curious.'' You said while he buried his face into your shoulder. You smiled brushing a hand through his hair while he held you close.

''Whatcha cooking?''


He nodded into your shoulder. You could feel a little bit of relief from the fermiliarity of his actions. Its been so hectic lately from nearly dieing, to having to take care of a child, to blowing up a nation and now taking care of Ranboo.
It was nice to just relax with Techno.

''Can you braid my hair?'' He asked and you smiled.

''Only if you do my wings.'' You asked in return. He pulled back with a smile.

''Do you even need to ask?''
You smiled wider, following him to the couch and he did your wings.

With how big your wings are it does take a while to do them. Put the ruffled feathers back in place and getting rid of broken ones. When it was your turn to braid Techno's hair Ranboo came back inside.

''Hello Ranboo.'' You smiled while Techno shifted uncomfortably on the couch. He never liked showing emotion to people, a little scared of what they would think, but knowing Ranboo he wouldn't dare utter a word about it.

''H–hi'' He smiled awkwardly.

''Ranboo could you check on the soup, it's in the pot. Just stir it around and taste test it.'' You told him and he nodded escaping quickly into the kitchen.

You finished off the braid and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
''I'll go to check on Ranboo.'' You told him smiling.
He nodded and you escaped into the kitchen.

Techno just sat there and talked for a second. The proposal went well, he thought. But what comes now.. when will it be? Where will it be? Who will come? There can't be too many people plus they have to be people we trust.. it also has to be in a secure location too. Can't have people trying to ambush me in the middle of a wedding..

"Tech? Can you set the table? I'm gonna ask Phil if he wants some soup." Irene called from the kitchen. She stepped out and wrapped a cloak around her shoulders escaping outside while Techno got off the couch and went to set the table.

Although things are different it's peacefully, that's all you'll ever need.

Hi, that's the end of this story,
sorry I'm left it off  like this I was running low on motivation..
I'm going to publish the first part of the Foolishxreader now, so i hope you enjoy that!
Bye-bye Lovlies♡♡

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