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Channelle's POV

I think I made a good decision about letting my feelings go, it's been three weeks and those weeks have been fun, I still have those weird feelings but there is some space left for those feelings at the top left of my brain... So far, I and the girls have gotten closer, Vanessa is always at my neck, the boys- Jimmy, Craig and Jason have been such good and great friends, Maris and Tina friendship grows everyday. Jayde-

"Hey! Woman!!"

Talk of the devil, This guy just doesn't get my name!!. Every time, 'woman!!', any small thing, 'woman!!'

"Heys Woman, I'm talking to you" Jayden continues, this time he's snapping his fingers at me

"What do you want Jayden!?"

"For a while I thought you were deaf"

"Well, turns out I'm not deaf"

"Okay, can get up??!" He asked

"From where" I asked looking around

"From the floor dummy, get up from my seat"

Looking around the chair I sat on "well your name isn't written on it"

"Look, Woman" He said holding the bridge of his nose, "just get up, before you end up on the floor"

"You wouldn't dare try it"

"Don't taste my patience woman!!!"

Why does he sound like a father??!!...

"And besides, you're on my seat yours is at my front... "

Oops!!, my bad... I'm surely gonna hear some advice

"The moment you get this simple fact, the moment you begin you to have sense" he said, shoving me completely and sitting down

Okay, that was an insult

"Hey Channelle"

"Hey Maris, this doesn't look like an emergency and it surely looks like my class"

"Hi Senior Jay"

Did I mention, both of them get along so well

"Hey Maris" he replied her

"How are you?" Maris asked referring to Jayden

I thought that question was directed to me, I thought I was her responsibility!! I thought....

"I'm good, just that this woman here who happens to be your sister has been giving me headache"

Maris throws her head backward, laughing "she gives everybody headache"

Wait wait, what was that!... Does Maris have a crush on Jayden?!... Oh My God, Vanessa is going to kill her.. Oh Mi Gush, her mother must hear of this

"But, I could give you some few hints and books on how to handle her" she continued


"Yeah, you know handling a rare specie of an animal is quite difficult" he added

Animal!!, I'm a rare specie, yeah I know

"Hey hey" I said snapping my fingers at them " I'm here, I'm standing right here"

"We can see you Channelle" Maris said

"And we aren't blind" Jayden added

"Maris why are you here?" I asked

I shouldn't have asked

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now