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Channelle's POV

"Argh" My head banged painfully, I tried reaching for my head but I couldn't, my hands were tied behind me. I couldn't see clearly too, I had a cloth over my head.

I heard the shuffling of shoes "Nice Job" a Man said,


"What should we do with her?" another said

"Oh common Ric, she's our guest, she should feel at home don't chase her out immediately!" He said chuckling, "Too bad I'm gonna miss the show, I can't wait to see the look on the student's faces when they are told. Good work, I'll transfer the money to you even though this was on volunteering."

I was kidnapped by someone who volunteered??! Geez I really got into some people's black book.

"Would there be any problem?"


"Not at all sir, I'll be on my way," a familiar voice said.

I thought hard about where last I heard the voice, did I trust too well?

I remembered the last words I heard before blanking out  I hate you!
 I hope Maris is okay and she figures this out quickly.

Maris POV

I woke up to the noise of my parents shouting at each other.

"Argh" I groaned while I tried to sit up, my head hurts from crying all night.

"Are they mad! What do they mean that she was kidnapped outside the school so it's not their problem?!"

I heard Mom shouting loudly as she stomped the stairs,

"Calm down"

I opened the door slowly to step out, making sure I made no noise, "My God, what school did we take our children to?" I saw her sitting on the couch with her hands on her chest, shaking her head with regret.

I walked behind my Dad who was resting on one of the dining chairs backing the kitchen, I heard him say, " Do you think this was what she meant those times she argued with Maris about the school?"

Mom suddenly stood up with some much force that Dad jumped with fear, she picked up the car keys, "Where are you going!?" He managed to ask

"To the school, my daughter must be found!" Mom quickly walked to the door with the keys jingling in her hands, he tried to keep up with her.


bang! the door shut loudly.

I tried to make breakfast but the appetite wasn't there, I also tried to ignore the fact that I was overlooked by my Parents a few minutes ago. I was about to text Tina when the door suddenly opened, Talk of the devil. There they were.

"We saw your Mom leaving in a hurry," Tina said coming to hug me.

"She's going to the school to hold them responsible," I said hugging her back tightly. "How's school?" I asked

"Well the news of your sister is the talk of the school," Janet said,

"Everybody, I mean everybody is talking about it. I think everybody is just surprised that she was kidnapped, they all thought it was the former girl" Cynthia continued

"Did the school say anything?" I asked with little hope,

Tina shakes her head, "not really, Mr Principal just called an emergency meeting, and he postponed the graduation which was supposed to be tomorrow to next tomorrow"

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz