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Channelle's POV

"That's why I sip my alcohol eh, I don't wanna reason bad things no more" I sang along to the music playing,  it's past seven
Am I dressed for school? Yes, Am I attending? I don't think so...

"Elle!", Maris calls out coming closer to my room, "Elle aren't you dressed- Mom!!!!! Channelle isn't on her uniform!!"

Okay, Maybe I lied about getting dressed, you know that feeling of not just going to school a particular day, not in school mood.. I'm in that mood and I don't think my Mom believes in such mood.

"And why aren't you dressed for school yet young lady"

"Mom, I don't feel like going to school today" I replied

"So, what should happen?, I should be late because of you??!" An angry Maris said

"Look, you know the way to school "

"Your sister isn't leaving the house without you" Mom said and I think she means it

"Momm, it's past seven already, let's just take the day off.. Watch Netflix and Chill"

"And who wants to chill with you?" Maris asked, it's very obvious she's getting angry

"Channelle baby"

"Yes, Mom" I answered smiling

"Even if it's past nine, you're going to school" Mom made it clear

I really don't wanna go to school, you guys wanna know the truth- there's this weird feeling, way bigger and deeper than the last feeling..

" I really don't wanna go to school, I have this weird feeling-"

"Oh common, are we going to do this again, this morning!!!... Channelle has a weird feeling today, oh my God we shouldn't go or near our school for a month…" Little rat ranted

"Somebody needs to shut up this morning" I said throwing a glance at Maris, facing Mom " Mom, please I really don't want to go, please don't make me go " I begged ,making some tears roll down

"Get dressed" She said, shutting the door

"I can't believe I'm gonna be late!" Maris yelled

I can't believe I dropped some tears, and still I wasn't able to stay at home... I'm just going to cry some more


" Channelle!!!!!!!!!!"

Maris has been shouting like that for the past hour... Since they want me to go to school I gotta take my time

"Yell my name one time again and you wouldn't see any good reason to talk throughout today" I said making my way downstairs

"You guys are ready, it's past 9... Looks like some people are getting punished. Channelle you look different" Mom said, looking dressed for work

"Yeah all because of someone" Maris added,eyeing me

"You wanna get beaten by me too?"

"Channelle don't bully her "Mom warned, " Get in the car"

We made our way to the car.


I made my way to the class..

"Why are you late?" Lami asked, I met her by the door

"At least, would you let me come in and seat down"

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now