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Hey guys! it's a long one-kinda, anyways get ready for what's about to go down! drip drip


Channelle's POV

I texted Jayden yesterday night about where to meet at school but he didn't reply and I want to assume he saw the text message.

"Channelle!" I jolted out from my thoughts

"Yes Mom"

"I've been calling you, are you okay?" She asked with concern laced in her voice

"I'm sure she's thinking of things to do with Uncle Harry" Maris chipped in

"Yes Mom, Maris is right" I smiled " I just can't stop thinking of things to do"

"I hope you kids know that you wouldn't be skipping school tomorrow"

"Mom!" Maris whined

"I'll be sick tomorrow" I laughed

Maris joined me in laughing "me too"

"So since we'll be sick tomorrow can we skip school?"

"We'll see about that, now out of the car. Have a good day"

"Bye mom" I waved

Putting her hands over my shoulder, Maris drew me closer whispering "I think someone has a plan"

If you think she's in the game, get it out of your head! She's probably talking about Uncle Harry 

"Which plan?"

"The plan with Uncle Harry! I can't wait to get those stuff that daddy always says; you're too young for that, you're not old enough for this, wait till you're that, you're this, you're that" she giggled

"I can't wait too!"

"Not seeing you guys on each other's throat proves that today is going to be a wonderful day!" Jason exclaimed

Maris smiled "It is already!" She goes over to Tina, grabbed her hand, started dancing and pulled her along, they hummed to a Spanish song together and she kept twirling Tina all over and over again

"May I?" Jason asked bowing a little

"Oh sure" we danced to the song humming along

"Awn! Such beautiful children" Jimmy cooed while taking pictures and making videos

"Where's Jayden?" I whispered to Jason

"I don't know, he left before us"

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now